Cheating & FanGirling

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Chresanto laid on top of Jacob laughing.

"You know now that you're bald I gotta slap you on the head during sex instead." Jacob slapped his head.

Chresanto pinched him. "Stop hitting me in the head. My brain is moving around."

Jacob snorted. "You are a retard."

Chresanto looked at his clock. It was six in the morning.

"I don't wanna go to school." Chresanto sighed.

Jacob rubbed his cheek.

"Then don't. I'll stay with you." He kissed him.

Chresanto smiled. "Okay."

"Yeah...we can chill and have all the se-"

"No. No we are not. My legs feel like alligators are gnawing on it and it hurts to move. You are an ass. I think you fucked my soul." Chresanto shoved his head.

Jacob laughed. "Aye if we had of done it months ago it wouldn't of been that bad. And I went really slow at first."

Chresanto sucked his teeth. "You are such a liar! No you did not! You just shoved it in there. You monster!"

Jacob chuckled. "Well that's pay back from when I was in the shower. You snuck in my room and shoved your shit when I dropped my soap!"

Chresanto grinned. "Now that was some good sex. Plus you deserved it."

Jacob nodded. In all actuality he did.

"Okay well lets try again. I'll go really slow." Jacob bit his lip. He rested his hands on Chresanto's hips.

Chresanto pushed his hands away.

"No." He stated rolling off of him.
Jacob pulled him back by his thighs. Chresanto winced.

"Leave me alone." Chresanto demanded.

Jacob kissed up his neck rubbing his legs.

"Please. I'll be gentle." Jacob begged.

Chresanto shook his head. "I can tell you're lying."

"No I'm not. Like for real. I promise." Jacob hooked their pinkies.

Chresanto looked at their pinkies with a small smile. He did have fun last night. He decided he'll give in. Plus Jacob doesn't break pinky promises.

Chresanto sighed. "Okay."

Jacob smirked wrapping Chresanto's legs around his waist.

This was one promise he was going to have to break.

Myles and Meisha were dancing around her kitchen making breakfast.

"Look at the flick of that wrist!" Meisha sung as Myles whipped the waffle mix.

Myles tossed it in the pan yelling.


Meisha hit him. "Why you making a huge pancake for?!"

"I don't know." Myles laughed.

Meisha shook her head.

Her phone ringed. She grabbed it answering it.


"Hey Beautiful." Trevor smiled.

Meisha softly smiled to herself.

"What do you want?" She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Open the door. Me and Ej outside." Trevor hung up.

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