Staying Strong

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Burnt bread.




Cool air.

These words described the air.

It smelled of Pinesol and burnt dough. Laughter and music was heard. The air was cool from all the fans. This was a familiar vibe.
Only thing different was there really wasn't any real laughter.

No real laughter bellowed out of Craig Crippin's mouth as usual. He just sat there with his arm in a sling watching everyone argue as usual.

He couldn't believe he put his friends in danger. He felt horrible.

The children pressed as much of their weight against the door as they could, but there were three men pushing against it.

Tay looked at the closet. She shut her eyes tight. Hot tears ran down her face.

"Get in the closet." She quietly spoke.

Craig looked at Charles. He nodded at him.

Charels started hysterically crying.


"Get in the fucking closet!" Tay yelled.

Charels wasn't the youngest but he was the weakest. They wanted to protect him at all cost.

Charels jumped from her voice scrambling from the door. He then grabbed the chair and put it against the door.

"Come on!" He said running for the closet.

Craig and Tay counted to three then ran to the closet locking the door.

All three children shook from the sound of heavy footsteps. They were afraid to breathe. They took little breaths at a time.

Charels bit his lip keeping in his emotions.

Craig prayed to himself.

Tay sat there angry.

This was all so stupid. Grown ass men being petty.

They were mad because Charles was gay. They felt he was disrespectful for swishing pass them. Charels couldn't help it. That's how he walked.

So Tay took it upon herself to defend him. The guys didn't like that. At that point Craig intervened when one of them tried to hit her.

Craig hit one of the guys with a beer bottle out of anger and fear. The man laughed darkly.

However, Craig didn't shake. He simply kneed him and told them to run. Tay admired that. That he didn't show fear. It reminded her of Ray in a way.

"Bet they in the closet." One of the men snickered.

The children literally held their breaths as their heart rate accelerated.

"Man let's just go."

"Go? Hell no! That faggot hit me!"
"Man they just kids. Grow the fuck up!"

"Shut the fuck up! If you ain't down then get the fuck on!"

The man looked at his "friend". He rolled his eyes leaving out. He wanted no part in it.

"I bet he a faggot too." The other laughed.

The man walked to the closet.

"Come out..come out..where ever you are..." he sung teasing them.

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