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A/N: I wrote this while taking the biggest shit. I was so inspired. Enjoy. Btw my new co writer is PropertyOfAugust

"I'm chasing after you no matter what I gotta do! I need you more and more!"

The choir sung to the top of their lungs. Their praises went high. Each note they got louder and louder.

With each song they sung the congregation clapped singing their own praises.

This was the 5th song they have sung and the children were tired of it.

"If they sing another damn song ima throw a rock at the pastor head!" Ray grumbled over the loud music.

"Don't cuss in church!" Rachel hit him upside the head as she rubbed her belly.

She was now 7 months pregnant and she was very agitated. The kids kept complaining about church. None of them wanted to come. But her and Latimore made them all come.

They had been coming to church for the past couple of Sundays. Their parents wanted them to stay out of trouble after all the havoc they raised this summer.

So, Rachel and Latimore figured why not make them spend every moment with them.

The only reason the kids came was because they made some new friends who shared their hate of church as much as them.

"Pssst. Hey niggers. I got the goods." Whispered Jahseh.

Jacob turned around with a small laugh. Jahseh had snuck over to the other side of the church. The children had been separated last Sunday by Rachel, because they were acting a fool while the preacher was speaking.

Jacob tapped Chresanto.

"Jahseh has snacks. Come on."

Chresanto notifies every one that it was time to make their move.

Rachel didn't notice the children crawling towards the back door. She was too busy holding hands with Latimore singing with her eyes closed thinking of the lord.

Latimore was also too caught up in the spirit to notice.

As Craig crawled away with the rest of his friends he couldn't help but to smile at Rachel and her fiancé.

They were a fine couple, and he couldn't wait for his god brother to get here.

"Come on Craig before they notice!" Hissed Charles tugging on his friend.

Craig hurried out the door on his hands and knees quickly.

"Are there anymore honey buns?" Ski asked.

Everybody groaned.

"Don't yo fat ass ask for another snack." Trevor rolled his eyes.

"I'm not fat. I'm big boned." Ski defended himself.

"Bitch-" Meisha laughed.

"Nigga you look like Gucci mane before the drugs." Omar said.

Everyone sighed.

"Gucci mane was not on drugs!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Gucci mane lost weight from getting them cheeks busted in jail." Chresanto laughed taking a sip of his juice box.

Everyone laughed. "True." They chorused.

Myles squeezed his juice box throwing it on the ground.

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