Meeting Mr.Hottie and Starbuck's Girls

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A/N: Jacob Latimore is finally introduced and some guest stars! Enjoy!
Also Please read Define Normal by divksundae! She tryna delete when its just getting good!

Latimore stared at the young children in front of him. He gulped as he saw the glares on their faces.

Currently, all nine of them including Rachel sat in Starbucks. Today was the day they finally met who Rachel had been dating. They would of met him sooner, but Latimore's producing job is very demanding.

Rachel just smiled at them encouragingly. She really wanted everyone to like him, since they were like family. She had a feeling that Latimore was the one.

Jacob sat in Chresanto's lap as they both just stared blankly at him.

Ray and Myles had their arms crossed staring intimidatingly at the successful adult.

Craig and Nique just played the slap game with each other quickly growing bored with the situation.

Ej leaned on his chair chewing on a tooth pick sizing him up. Bahja just smiled at him.

Breaunna rolled her eyes at the way the boys were acting.

"Why don't we all start with introducing our selves." Rachel suggested.

However, the children didn't respond. Rachel banged her fist on the table making everyone jump including Latimore.

"Now." she seethed.

Chres cleared his throat. "I'm Chresanto." he monotonously said leaving Latimore's hand hanging in the air.

"I'm Jacob." Jacob said putting base in his voice scaring the hell out of Latimore.

"Myles." Myles mumbled squinting his eyes at him.

"Rayan, but you can call me Ray." he smirked purposely cracking his knuckles. Latimore's eyes widened a little.

"I think you're so cute!" Bahja squealed getting looks and hits on the arm from everyone else.

"I mean...I'm Bahja." she said trying to sound tough.

"I'm Nique and this is Craig." Nique introduced pointing to a fidgeting Craig.

He shyly looked up waving a little. He wasn't good around new people. Latimore gave him a warm smile causing Craig to return it.

Then Latimore looked to Ej who was still chewing on his tooth pick.

Ej spat the tooth pick out leaning on his chair. He rested his elbows on his knees. He licked his lips glaring at Latimore.

"I'm Elijah. Fuck up...I'll lynch you." he hissed sinisterly. He leaned back in his chair lighting a cigarette. He took a puff blowing the smoke in Latimore's face.

Latimore let out a small whimper as his hands began to shake a little.

Breaunna rolled her eyes, smacking the cigarette out of Ej's hand and smashing it with her boot. Ej just glared at her keeping up his tough facade.

"Don't mind them. They're just being silly." She said mostly directing it to Myles, Jacob, Chresanto, Ray and Ej. They just scoffed at her rolling their eyes.

"I'm Breaunna." She smiled holding her hand out to be shooken.

"Nice to meet you Breaunna." He greeted shaking her hand.

"It's really nice to meet you guys. Rachel talks about you guys a lot." he smiled.

Everyone just nodded. It was awkwardly silent again. Latimore decided to break the silence.

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