Love and Hip Hop Talk

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A/N: What is up?! I bring you another chapter! Aye so none of Yall want one shot request? Lol I was actually looking forward to that shit I ain't gon lie lol Well hope you like this chapter.

Prodigy laid lazily across Jacob's bed. Jacob was on the floor braiding his 10 month old niece's hair into cornrows. They were currently watching "Love and Hip Hop".

"You think Nikko gay?" Prodigy softly asked handing Jacob a bead.

Jacob paused his actions thinking about it.

"I don't know...he does look like he could go both ways..." he said sliding the beads on.

"Yeah...he got that I eat ass face..." Prod said in deep thought.

Jacob bursted into laughter. "His mouth looks like it's made for dicks." Jacob responded giggling.

Craig started laughing spilling the beads out of the bag.

"You wrong!" he choked through laughter.

"I'm serious! That's why his teeth look malnourished as fuck. To many dicks been in at one time."Jacob said starting on a new braid laughing.

Prodigy was laughing so hard his head was laying off the bed.

"Then lil scrappy lips look like a booty." Jacob said picking up the beads.

"He look like he slurps the booty." Craig said sitting up.

Just as Prodigy said that Scrappy popped up on the screen. Jacob started howling with laughter.

"Mama dee the type to watch and video tape." Jacob choked out through laughter.

Craig was snorting with laughter.

Angel, Jacob's niece, was currently playing in the beads.

Jacob and Craig finally sobered up.

"We're going to hell." Craig said wiping a tear.

Jacob nodded in agreement looking down just in time to see Angel putting another bead in her mouth.

"No!" he said snatching the bead away from her. He put the bag of beads on the other side of him.

She poked her bottom lip out and then started crying. Jacob wasn't fazed by this. He grabbed her pacifier and put it in her mouth giving her his car keys. She quited down swinging the keys around. Jacob put the finishing beads on the last braid. When he was done he combed his fingers through it smiling.

"How does it look?" he asked turning to Prodigy.

Prodigy looked down at his niece. He smiled. "It looks good." he said twirling one of the braids.

Jacob smiled. "Thanks." He said as he watched her play with his keys.

Prodigy looked over as his phone beeped.

"Well my moms here. See ya later." He said getting up from the bed hugging Jacob.

He then went over kissing Angel on the cheek. "Bye pooh bear." he cooed.

Craig rolled his eyes when he heard his mom honking.

"See ya big head." Jacob laughed.

Prodigy kicked him running out the room laughing.

"Punk ass nigga!" Jacob yelled from the door way laughing.

He bent down to pick up all the beads and trash. He picked up Angel as he made his way down stairs throwing away the trash. He went back up stairs to his room laying on the bed flipping through the channels.

Angel laid her head on Jacob's chest sucking on her pacifier slowly closing her eyes. Jacob looked down and covered them with the covers. He soon fell asleep to the television in the background.


A/N:Yep so this chapter was sucky but um..I will upload a better chapter probably later on today. :)

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