Sleep Over

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A/N:Aye guysss!! So in this chapter you get to meet the rest of the mains!! lol well read on... ok ages Nique-15, Bahja-16, Breaunna-17


Chresanto looked up at the ceiling as he sighed. It was Friday and everyone decided to have a sleep over. It was now

3:00 am and everyone was sleeping.

However, Chres couldn't sleep. There were too many people in the bed. Currently, Jacob was laying on top of Chresanto with his hands under Chres's shirt. Nique was cuddled up against him on the right, while Breaunna was cuddled up to him on the left. Ray was sleeping at the bottom of the bed with his arm across Craig's back ,while Craig buried his face in the mattress as he was wedged between Ray and Myles. Lastly, Rachel was at the edge of the bed next to Nique, Bahja was somehow wedged in the middle of the bed, while Ej was at the edge of the bed next to Breaunna.

The only noise coming from the basement was from the generator and washing machine. The reason why the close friends were so close was because Jacob's father told them a scary story. He had came down to check on them when, the gang of teenagers started complaining about how bored they were. They couldn't watch a movie, because Myles and Ej busted the television a month ago playing around.

Craig had suggested Mr.Perez tell them a story. The sleep over went a little like this...


Bahja was braiding Ray's hair in little plaits as he played toss with Myles and Ej. Jacob, Breaunna, and Rachel were playing cards. While Nique was laying upside down having a staring contest with Prodigy. Lastly, Chresanto was laying in Jacob's lap on his phone.

Chresanto sighed as he tossed his phone on the King size bed. He looked up at Jacob and started lazily playing with Jacob's chain.

"Got any 3's?" Jacob asked boredly.

"Gold fish." Rachel responded just as unenthusiastic as Jacob.

"I give up! This game is stupid!" Breaunna groaned falling in Rachel's lap.

"I know! There's literally nothing to do! I wish we could go out..." Jacob mumbled plopping down on the bed throwing the cards on the floor.

The teens were stuck in the house because Rachel's car was out of gas. They couldn't go walk around town ,because there was a storm approaching and Mrs.Perez put them on lock down. She said she didn't want anything to happen to her bebés.

Nique and Prod were still having their staring contest and were also poking each other in the nose.

Bahja smiled triumphantly looking at her work. She had finished braiding up Ray's wavy long hair.

"Done!" she exclaimed combing her fingers through the braids.

"Finally! My ass was hurting!" Ray said standing up going to the mirror. He inspected the braids moving them around. He smiled. He looked hot. Well in his eyes anyway.

"I like it..." he trailed off looking in the mirror.

"What do you guys think?" Bahja asked smiling broadly at her best friends.

The gang of friends looked up from their activities, well except for Nique and Prodigy they were highly entertaining themselves. The gang of friends busted out laughing.

"Bruh you look like Felicia!" Chresanto said rolling on Jacob's stomach laughing. Jacob was laughing so hard no sound came out ,and everyone else was as loud as ever.

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