Words from the Wise

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A/N: This chapter is just Myles with a special guest. Song: Sparks by Coldplay



All was heard was music. The loud guitar and drums played heavily in his ears. The sultry voice almost made him tear up. This song was so sad, but he couldn't stop listening.

At the same time he hated the words sung. He did see sparks. Ej did promise him many things.

He promised to keep taking his medication, to always be his best friend, to never hurt him. Ej has broken all of them.

If they were best friends he wouldn't run away for long periods of time making him worry. He would take his medication simply, because he promised.

Myles was so hurt. Hurt by the fact he let someone take his virginity, who he knew would never love him like he wanted. Hurt that Ej could barely look at him.

Guitar strums faded out as the song came to an end.

"Is any one sitting here?" a soft voice asked.

Myles looked up shaking his head no.

The pretty girl sat down in front of Myles. He watched her take out her book. How to live forever was the name.

The girl caught him looking. She fidgeted a little. Myles stare was making her nervous. She was always shy around new people.

Myles noticed this. "I'm Myles." he spoke with a weak smile hoping to make her more comfortable.

She smiled a little. " I-I'm Elle." she stuttered out.

Myles smiled. He had always liked that name. "Nice to meet you Elle."

"Likewise." she smiled.

Myles noted she had a pretty white smile. Her hair was pulled back showing her beautiful face. To him she kind of resembled KeKe Palmer.

He decided to tell her this. "You look like KeKe Palmer."

"Thank you. I get that a lot actually." she chuckled out.

It got quiet again. Elle opened her book, but couldn't read. Myles still kept staring.

No one knew this but Myles loved to read. He had tons of books in his attic. He never told anyone, because he wanted it to be his secret only.

The book cover interested him. It showed a young white boy in a red hoodie who was very pale. He was sitting in a tree looking down. Myles liked the cover, because it was simple but yet..so appealing.

"It's about a 12 year old boy with leukaemia. He lives in London. Him and his best friend create a bucket list. His friend has cancer too. They want to do all the things they would of done as teens, because some where in the back of their minds..they know they're not going to make it." she passionately explained to Myles.

Myles didn't respond, so Elle kept talking.

"I've read this book at least 20 times and it gets to me every time. Not because of the situation but the message." she smoothly spoke gently tracing the cover.

"And what's that?" Myles asked anxiously.

Elle looked up with a smile taking a deep breath.

"To live every day as if its you're last. Never regret. Every thing happens for a reason." She spoke intently staring at the book cover.

Myles didn't respond he just put his music back in his ear. Elle opened her book finally reading.

Myles closed his eyes letting the mood of the song consume him.

What Elle said ranged in his mind like a fire alarm.

Never regret. Every thing happens for a reason.


A/N: Yep just a little in sight to what's wrong with Myles. By the way that is a real book. I've read it 2 times! lol Anyway Special guest star:

-sweeter as Elle

Told you you're part was special! Thank you so much for the amazing cover! It's actually what I pictured! I might just keep you're character. ;)

Classroom MomentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora