Daddy Latimore

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A/N:This was fun to write. Thanks to -sweeter for writing the last part! I loved it! Give her props guys and read her stories! Make sure you follow her too! Trevor age: 16


School was out ,and it was beaming hot outside. The gang of friends were all riding in the car with Latimore on their way to the fair. The kids sat in the back while Rachel sat in front. They sighed in unison. The teenagers were really rowdy.

"Mama! Trevor licked my face!" Ray yelled.

"Mama?!"Latimore asked alarmed.

Rachel laughed a little. "Nick name sweetie. "

"Oh." he said in understanding.

"Trevor! Do you wanna sit up here with me?!" Rachel threatened.

"He's lying!"Trevor pouted.

Rachel turned around with a glare.

Trevor sighed. "No ma'am. " he mumbled.

"Then behave." she warned.

Trevor glared at Ray. Rachel turned back around.

"Is this every Friday?" Latimore chuckled.

"More like every day."Rachel scoffed.

Sometimes she really did feel like a real mother. She liked the feel of being needed, but sometimes it was too much.

"Mama!" Chresanto yelled.

"She's not here!" Rachel said putting her ear phones in.

"Latimore!" Chresanto yelled.

"Yes Chres." Latimore sighed.

"Jacob said he's gonna butt fuck me while I'm sleeping!" Chresanto tattled.

"What?!" Latimore asked wide eyed.

"No I didn't!" Jacob punched him.

"And he punched me!" Chres tattled again.

"Jacob be nice."Latimore said.

Jacob rolled his eyes pinching Chresanto. Chresanto screamed.

"What now?!" Latimore asked.

Jacob held his fist up with a death glare. Chresanto gulped.

"Nothing!" he responded moving closer to the window.

Latimore looked confused for awhile then put his eyes back on the rode.

The only noise in the car was the radio and occasional talking. However, the peace was interrupted again.

"Latimore! Chresanto pulled my hair!" Bahja yelled.

"It ain't yo hair! It's some lady's hair in India!" Chresanto laughed.

"I'm hungry!" Craig complained.

"Ej smoking!" Breaunna snitched.

"Elijah put it away!" Latimore demanded.

"I'm not smoking it! I was just licking it! Fucking snitch!" he hit Breaunna.

Breaunna turned around slapping him. Ej gasped.

"Bre slapped me!" Ej told.

"He hit me first!" Bre said in defense.

"Jacob keep sending me dirty text messages!" Chresanto exclaimed.

"He's lying!" Jacob shouted.

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