The Girl with the Green Nail Polish

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The summer was hot from the sun. Sticky from popsicle juice dripping down tiny fingers. Kids ran around with untied shoe laces laughing. It was such a luxury to be out of school. Not having to come in early. Staying out till sunset catching butterflies in mason jars. Then watching them flutter away when the street lights came on. Running around with friends playing silly games. Messing up the girls' hopscotch games. Laying under oak trees looking at the stars telling each other their wildest dreams. All of this was a luxury. A luxury Chresanto August knew nothing about.

He was new to the neighborhood. Therefore he had no friends. He wasn't very social since he lost his hair. He felt vulnerable with out it. Never having to make friends at his old school for constantly being out, he had no one. He was a lonely seven year old boy who thought the worst of everything. I mean why not? It seemed nothing good has happened to him lately. What was even the point in making friends if there was a slight chance he could be taken from this Earth any day now. Well that's the way he saw it, which is a bit much for a seven year old to be thinking about, but having being close with death his thought process was beyond his years.

Chresanto sighed laying his face in his hand. He dug in his mother's flower pot looking longingly at the other children playing.

He was snapped from his depressing thoughts when he heard horrible humming. The tune was off key but soothing. The sound made his feet move only to end up at a oak tree with a little girl humming painting her nails. The smell of nail polish made him scrunch up his nose.

The girl had caramel skin and really long hair. It clung in her face covering it.

Chresanto had already came to a conclusion that this girl had to be beautiful. Her hair was too shiny and her hands were too dainty not to be.

He walked over sitting across from her. He inhaled her citrus scent and relaxed to the horrible tune hummed.

"Hi." Chresanto greeted in a small voice.

The girl stopped her movements looking up. She looked to see a boy with reddish baby curls in his head. She thought it was the most brilliant color of hair. She had never seen it on a black boy before.

"Hi."She smiled.

Chresanto was awe struck. She indeed was beautiful, but she was a he. The transformer shirt gave it away. What girl wears a transformer shirt? Exactly. No girl.

"I'm Jacob. What's your name?" he asked kindly.

"Ummm Chresanto." He blushed. He was embarrassed that he actually thought a boy was beautiful. Yuck!

"Chresanto. That's a nice name." he complimented rolling the 'r' in his name.

"Thanks. " he smiled a little.

Jacob went back to painting his nails. Chresanto watched in confusion.

"Why are you painting your nails? Only girls paint their nails." he said.

Jacob wasn't fazed by the question for he got it all the time.

"Because. It makes me happy." he simply said screwing the top on the tube of paint. He blew on his nails fanning them.

"Why?" Chresanto asked. How could that make him happy?

"It makes me feel different. " He shrugged.

"How?" Chresanto asked.

"Makes me feel like...I'm not Jacob for awhile. " he softly said staring at his finger nails.

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