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A/N: Enjoy!

Music blasted as children ran around screaming. Loud chatter was heard. The sweet aroma of pastries filled the air. Meisha couldn't enjoy it though. She was stuck behind a concession stand handing out food and beverages. She sighed tapping her black nails on the counter in front of her. Meisha looked at her hello kitty watch with a groan. She had five more hours to go.

"Kill me now..." she muttered looking up at the cracked ceiling.


Ej walked around with Myles being silly. Every one else had went their separate ways. He laughed when Myles began dancing behind an elderly woman.

He pulled Myles by the back of his shirt laughing.

"You have no chill." Ej laughed letting him go.

Myles just cheesed at him. He reached over taking some of his cotton candy.

Ej watched him lick his fingers. Myles felt him staring.

"What the fuck you looking at?" he chuckled.

"Definitely not you." Ej shoved him.

Myles stumbled a little sucking his teeth.

He shoved Ej back. "Lies. You was staring hard as fuck." he smirked.

Ej rolled his eyes. "Negro please. " He said tearing a piece of cotton off his cone.

Myles reached over slapping it out his hand.

Ej glared at him. "Can you stop being so childish damn. "

"Can you please brush your hair?" Myles raised an eyebrow.

Ej flicked him off walking away.

Myles laughed behind him. "Where you going? I got a brush right here!" he laughed clutching his stomach holding out a brush.

Ej ignored him getting further away. He hummed along to the song bobbing his head. He mindlessly ate his cotton candy. Suddenly he felt a heavy weight on his back making him drop his desert. By the giggles ringing in his ear he knew who it was.

"Myles get off! You too fat for this shit!" Ej groaned.

"No my feet hurt." he said wrapping his legs around Ej.

Ej rolled his eyes but grabbed his legs anyway.

"You ate your cotton candy that fast?" Myles asked.

"No. Yo fat ass made me drop it." Ej grumbled.

Myles laid his head on his shoulder. "Ha you mad over some flavored cotton?" Myles teased.

"It was fresh flavored cotton. " he mumbled.

"You really mad?" Myles asked.

"Kind of...I mean I don't have any money left to get another. But it's cool I guess. "Ej sadly shrugged.

He wasn't really mad or sad. He just wanted to mess with Myles. Ej knew Myles hated when people were mad at him.

Myles licked his lips nervously. He looked around then quickly pecked Ej on his cheek mumbling a "I'm sorry. "

Ej stopped walking. He hadn't expected that at all. Awkwardness hugged them instantly.

Myles jumped down from his back blushing a little. "I can buy you another one..."he muttered.

"Uh...ok."Ej said trying to sound like every thing was normal.

Myles speedily walked ahead towards the concession stand.

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