Toxic Relationship

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A/N: To be honest I didn't think you guys were going to like the last chapter, but I feel that way for every chapter lol but umm here you go guys.


Chres was currently in the library for lunch. He didn't want to talk or see anybody. Ok that's a lie. He didn't want to be around Jacob. He couldn't believe Jacob had punked him out like that.

He knew he was playing around, but Chresanto was always in control. He was the type of person who could lie effortlessly under pressure. Not care what others think. However, around Jacob he just wasn't himself. He turned into a big softie and somehow submissive. I guess that's how it is when you're really in love. he thought to himself.

Chresanto leaned his head back listening to music.


Jacob sauntered into the library towards the back room. He knew Chresanto was avoiding him. He decided to apologize for this morning. Honestly he wasn't going to take it that far, but Chresanto's deep sultry moans did it for him. Plus nervous Chresanto was fuckin adorable.

When he made it to the back Chres had his eyes closed with music in his ears. Jacob smiled at the sight. He looked so cute. Too bad he had to break his peacefulness.

He shut the door making sure they were the only ones in there. Then he set his stuff down walking over to him. When he got over to him he poked his lip repeatedly.

Chres opened his eyes to see a cheesing Jacob. He sighed taking his ear buds out. Jacob continued to poke his lip giggling. Roc couldn't help the smile on his face. He loved Jacob's giggle. It was like his favorite song. Damn I sound gay as fuck. he thought shaking his head.

He grabbed Jacob's hand pulling him onto his lap, so he was straddling him.

"What yo annoying ass doing here?" Chres asked picking some lint from Jacob's hair.

"I was looking for my boyfriend...but I guess I have to settle for your sorry ass." he responded with a disappointed sigh.

Chres sucked his teeth. "You a professional asshole bruh."

"Graduated top of my clas." Jacob said with a proud smile.

Chresanto laughed. "For real tho why you here?"

"I missed you..." Jacob mumbled looking down playing with Chresanto's fingers.

"You just saw me in 4th period. " Chres said with a chuckle.

Jacob sighed. "You've been ignoring me since this morning..."

"No I haven't." Chresanto lied with a straight face.

Jacob looked at him through his long lashes biting his lip. Chresanto groaned. He couldn't resist that look.

"Ight ya caught me." he said putting his hands up in surrender.

Jacob pouted. "Why?" he whined putting his hands on his shoulders shaking him.

"Because." Chres said mocking Jacob's whining voice.

Jacob glared. "Your just salty cuz I made you my bitch this morning."

Chres got in his face. "I ain't nobody's bitch." he hissed with a hard glare.

Jacob wasn't fazed as he got in his face too. "That's right cuz you my bitch." he hissed.

"Fuck you." Chres scoffed sitting back in his chair.

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