𝘚𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 [💙]

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- I loved the spring. It was warm, but not too hot. The cool breeze was dancing about, the sweet smell of flowers was playfully lingering in the air, and the pollen was characteristically making me sneeze. I inhaled heavily, taking it all in. Especially the pollen. I sneezed again and rubbed my nose. "You okay?" Leo asked beside me. I nodded. "Just seasonal allergies," I sniffed.

I suggested having a picnic since the weather was perfect, but Leo- being Leo- had a hard time sitting still. He had sprung up and started practicing making portals, and I was too busy snacking on a piece of watermelon to pay any mind to it. "So, wanna sit down and eat something?" I asked after my watermelon had mysteriously disappeared.

"Depends. Whatcha got?" He stopped long enough to glance into the basket. "Well, if you stopped swinging your sword around like a madman, you would find out," I rolled my eyes and picked through the basket. "We just have pizza. We're out of everything except watermelon," I reported. "Pizza? Is it Hawaiian?" Leo finally settled down and leaned forward curiously.

"Pretty sure, I just took the leftovers from the fridge," I answered, grabbing a container of pizza and inspecting it through the clear plastic. "Looks Hawaiian to me," he spread his hands. I placed the container on them and looked through my basket some more. "Oh, we also have juice." I pulled a CapriSun out and viciously stabbed the straw through the pouch.

"You got fruit punch?" He asked. "You know it," I tossed him another pouch and sipped mine. After a couple minutes of silence, I decided to strike up a conversation with him. "So, what's going on with you?" He shrugged. "Y'know, dumb brothers, a guy with a footprint on his face. A stylish worm," he quipped. "Y'know, the usual." I snorted and took another slice of watermelon.

"What about you?" He finished his pizza and snatched a piece of watermelon as well. "School is kicking my butt, and I have four different quizzes this week." Leo grinned. "Good thing I don't go to school." He shut his mouth upon seeing my irritated expression. "You don't have to worry about anything," I sighed. I wish I could live like that. Carefree.

"I have to worry about New York," Leo pointed out. "Yeah, other than that." We stumbled into silence and stared at each other, then broke eye contact and looked at the scenery. I decided to have the picnic on a hill overlooking a walkway that surrounded a pond. Flowers were flying around the air, being carried by the breeze. Everything was peaceful. I glanced at Leo.

He was focused on a patch of daisies growing off the walkway. "Those are pretty," he said out loud. I finished my watermelon and tossed the remains into the clear bag I brought for trash. "We're out of food," I announced. Leo snapped out of his trance. "What? Didn't you say we had pizza?" He asked, looking over my shoulder. "You ate all of it," I giggled.

He looked at the three empty containers of pizza surrounding him. "Oh, I guess I did." I looked around. "What should we do?" I asked. "Ooh!" Leo jumped to his feet and scampered down the hill. He rushed over to the patch of daisies he was eyeing previously. "What're you doing?" I asked, catching up. He picked some and hopped back up. "Want one?" He offered.

"Sure," I reached for one, but he snatched the bundle and placed one behind my ear. I blinked, not sure of what had just happened. He put another one behind my other ear. "There," he grinned at me. I smiled back slowly. "We should go to the park, there'll be prettier flowers there," I walked back to the hill and gathered our stuff, then walked back to meet him.

We walked to the park. Well, it was more of him sprinting to get me to chase him, and me running out of breath in three seconds. He slowed down enough for me to catch up, and I yanked his arm in retaliation. He laughed and apologized, even though he didn't seem very apologetic, and walked the rest of the way.

I picked more flowers on our way, and Leo decided that I was the perfect thing to put his on. By the end of the day, my hair was covered with daisies, irises, and other random flowers he had picked up. Now I was sitting on a bench watching him show off his horrible skills, but clapping for him anyways. He finished his atrocious act with a bow. "That was great!" I cheered.

"Thanks," he grinned and jumped into the seat beside me. I was about to start another conversation, but a raindrop splashed on my nose. Leo blinked as a raindrop splattered onto his forehead. "Surely it can't be raining?" I chuckled nervously. "The sky is clear." Clearly, Zeus didn't like that, because the moment the words came out of my mouth, the rain picked up. 

"Well don't just stand there!" Leo exclaimed, standing there. I glared at him and jumped up off the bench. He snatched the picnic blanket from my hands and tossed it over us both, yanking me closer to him. I silently freaked out. "What a day for rain," I muttered. The air was still warm, but the rain was picking up a colder breeze. I nestled closer to Leo.

I gripped the corner of the blanket with both my hands. Leo was gripping my shoulder and his corner at the same time. We walked in the direction we came from, and the rain stopped as quickly as it had begun. Leo let me go and dropped the blanket on my face. "Watch it!" I flailed around until it dropped to the floor. I glared at him, but his face was so red that I just dropped it.

Leo proceeded to look everywhere but at me. "You're really cool, y'know?" He muttered under his breath. My cheeks flushed. "Y-You're cool, too," I answered. He looked up at me, pupils dilated, then they constricted and a nervous grin spread across his face. "Let's go get some more pizza, yeah?" He walked past you. I was frozen for a couple of seconds. What just happened? -

【𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊】  ♥ㅤ𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now