𝘚𝘪𝘳-𝘔𝘦𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘗𝘭𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘔𝘺 𝘋𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 [💜]

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- It was a typical snowy day. Nobody wanted to go outside since the cold was biting, but the sewer wasn't much better. Mikey and I were warming up by having a skateboarding competition, and the boys were jumping around like kangaroos. Donnie was out, but he promised to bring me snacks from his shopping spree.

Mikey, probably realizing how he was losing, whipped his kusari onto the wheels of my skateboard. I accidentally slammed into him. We both rolled down the ramp with furious squawks. "Guys!" We slid to a halt at the bottom of the ramp. I was on my feet in an instant. Mikey, still bloodthirsty, clung onto me and swatted at the side of my head.

"Donnie! Got the comics I asked for?" Leo asked breathlessly, taking a break from hopping around. Donnie fixed him with a cheerful look. "No- No, I did not!" He answered with a little more excitement than I anticipated. "Oh, boo." Leo collapsed onto the floor. Raph and April continued hopping around.

"But look what I found!" Donnie reached into his bag and pulled out a tabby cat. Immediately, everyone froze. "What the?" I stared at him in confusion while Mikey, absolutely engrossed in this cat, scampered forward with stars in his eyes. "Why did you keep it in your bag?" Leo snorted, previous attention restored.

"Mayhem has a new sister?" April asked hopefully, slithering forward and scratching the bottom of the cat's chin. "Sir-Meowington is a male!" Donnie scoffed, pulling the cat back. "Sir-Meowington?" Raph echoed, snickering. Leo grinned at him. "Yes, Sir-Meowington. Because he meows a lot," Donnie answered through narrowed eyes.

As if on cue, Sir-Meowington mewed loudly. Everyone stared at him before awe-ing and reaching out to smother him with affection. Donnie tucked him under his arm and gave me a shopping bag. "Here, the promised snacks. 'An I got your favorite." He gave me a slight smile. "You're a saint," I gushed, giving him a peck on the forehead.

Donnie rouged awkwardly. Sir-Meowington drove his hind paws into my stomach. I took a step back, eyes wide. Was that a kick? ADORABLE, I squealed mentally. Donnie, reading my expression, held out Sir-Meowington. I swept him into an adoring hug. "He's so cute!" I grinned, feeling giddy. "Sir-Meowington is our new child," Donnie declared.

"How come they get to be the other parent?" Mikey whined, glaring at me. I glared back at him, pulling Sir-Meowington closer to me. He squirmed in annoyance before hissing. I yelped and let him go, and he urgently scampered over to Donnie. "Well, for one: that would be weird," Donnie explained, scooping him up and scratching him behind his ears.

"And I don't love you," Donnie added, sticking his tongue out. Everyone stared at him with smug expressions. Mikey looked ready to jump into the water and drown himself. "You love-" Leo began. "I was making a point!" Donnie interrupted sharply, face flushed in embarrassment. Aw, I blinked at him, sparing the emotional monologue.

Mikey was still staring at me. I reached into my bag and tossed him a randomly selected snack. "I'm sorry for being mad at you!" He spoke up instantly, catching it and devouring it like a savage. I snorted and turned back to the main conversation. "The responsible thing to do would be to try to find his owner," Raph piped up.

Everyone stared at him like he was mad. "What? Someone is probably missing him," Raph added with a shrug. Donnie protectively hugged Sir-Meowington closer to him. "Sir-Meowington is our child, and nobody can take him away from us," he spat, pulling me into him with his free arm. "Maybe the cops," April put in.

【𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊】  ♥ㅤ𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now