𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘩𝘦𝘮 [💜]

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- I pulled the cart along. It was stacked tall with multiple articles of purple clothing. Anyone who saw us must've thought we were walking grapes. Donnie and I were both decked out with purple coats and boots. I had suggested that we go to the mall to get Donnie some more clothes, but after the ten-thousandth time, he finally agreed to tag along on my shopping spree.

Donnie and I both halted abruptly. We stared in awe at a hot purple varsity jacket. The jacket itself was a vibrant shade of violet, but the sleeves and hood were a darker shade. It was hanging teasingly at the other end of the mall. We looked at each other, then back at the jacket. "This is the end of the road, bud," I said. Donnie scoffed. "You wish." We both tensed, ready to fight to the death.

Donnie made the first move, and I tackled him to the ground and jumped over his head. He grabbed my ankles, sending me spiraling towards the ground. He stood up and caught me before I could fall, and then shoved me back. I grabbed an empty hanger from a stand and hurled it at him. It hit his head with a clunk, and he crumpled underneath it.

I ran forward, trampled him, and proudly reached out for the jacket, only to discover that it was missing. A girl about April's age was carrying it away, smiling. Donnie recovered from the severe blunt-force trauma with the hanger and staggered to his feet. "What happened?" He asked sluggishly. "That girl just took our jacket, Donatello."

"Our? Scoff!" He looked in the direction I was pointing in anyways. "I got this." Donnie marched over to the girl and tapped on her shoulder. I hovered behind him, curious to see how he was gonna maneuver his way around this issue. "Excuse me, madam." I knew he was going to fail miserably, and boy howdy was I right.

The next thing I knew, Donnie was sliding away like a mutant hockey puck. "I'll pay you for it," I offered. The girl narrowed her eyes at me. "No, I want this jacket," she turned and walked away from me. This means war. I armed myself with hangers, ready to knock her unconscious if I needed to. Donnie walked up beside me. "Ah yes, violence. The most effective way to get what you want."

The girl got a shopping cart and placed the jacket neatly inside. Donnie and I looked down on her from the top story. She turned to grab another piece of clothing from a rack. I jumped over the railing and into a nearby rack of jeans. I expected the landing to be soft, but it was the complete opposite. I wanted to die right there and then, but I knew I had to keep going.

I snatched the jacket from the cart and ran like the wind. The girl spotted me. "Hey!" I ran into a pole, distracted. "Dumb!" Donnie's cry echoed throughout the mall. He received odd looks from the people around him. The girl took the jacket off my hands and held it to her side. "Just find another one!" She spat, walking back to her cart.

I peeled my face off the pole and collapsed right there and then. I opened my eyes again, and Donnie was standing over me. "Ready for round two?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why don't you do something?" He placed a hand on his chest. "Oh, I will. Watch and learn, sweetheart." I was going to give him another lecture on giving me married-couple level nicknames, but I shut my mouth.

Donnie shuffled his way over to the girl. "If you don't give me that jacket I will make everything you own combustible," I caught him saying. The girl did something I didn't catch, and Donnie was staggering over, struggling to walk properly. His face was twisted in pain. "Any other ideas?" I cracked my knuckles. "Let's kill her."

"We're shopping, not murdering," Donnie reminded me. I pet his cheek. "But I really wanna get you that jacket," I said sweetly. He rolled his eyes. "Don't try that puppy-dog stuff on me. You know it doesn't work." I shrugged and stood up. "Worth a shot." Then I devised a plan in my head. I just needed a distraction. My eyes instinctively shot towards a certain purple boyfriend. "What?" He stared quizzically at me. 

I crept up on the girl, hangers ready. Donnie was yelling about winter discounts, and people crowded around him. The girl looked like she wanted to listen in, but her gaze was suspicious. She knew Donnie was a fraud. I immobilized her by throwing a hanger at the back of her head, then I grabbed the jacket and ran for the hills.

The girl didn't move for a couple of seconds. Donnie shot after me. "You did it!" He exclaimed, grabbing our cart from the third story. "You don't get away from me without a fight!" I heard a familiar voice sound behind me. Donnie and I looked over our shoulders. The girl was chasing us with her own set of hangers in her hands. "Uh oh!" I sped up, and Donnie was starting to power up his jetpack.

I grabbed his hood and whipped him around a corner, then I shoved him into a rack of shirts that was conveniently placed right there. The girl raced past us, shouting about combustible grapes. We poked out of the rack. I checked if the coast was clear, then I saw a sick shirt hanging beside me. "Ooh, this is nice." Donnie snapped in my face. "Focus, Y/N." I blinked.  "Oh, sorry."

I jumped out of the rack. Donnie followed gingerly. We picked our way around the mall, ready to jump into a rack of clothes or discreetly pose as mannequins. Then to our horror, we spotted another identical jacket hanging nearby. Donnie and I looked at each other, then at the jacket. We trampled over each other, racing to grab it first.

So now I was walking out of the store with multiple concussions. Donnie was in worse shape, but we both wore identical violet varsity jackets. We high-fived. Sometimes it felt like we were active criminals working together, rather than partners. "We're a great team," I said proudly. Donnie nodded. "You can say that again," he agreed. "We're a great-" -

【𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊】  ♥ㅤ𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now