𝘚𝘯𝘶𝘚𝘚𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘚 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘔𝘳. 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘀𝘪𝘎𝘎𝘪𝘎𝘵 [💙]

500 17 13

Requested by @WinterBlue_Angel22 :]

( I ended up writing a completely different Y/N ಥ‿ಥ- )

- "Come on, Y/N!" April huffed, trying to drag me out of the school building. I frowned over my shoulder at her. "It's cold out there and warm in here!" I complained. April placed her hands on her hips with an impatient frown. "You have a jacket on! Your apartment is like five minutes away!" She reasoned. I groaned.

Students were shouldering their way past us, excited to leave the building and start the rest of their day. Me, on the other hand? I despised the cold. I would've stayed home if my father hadn't forced me to attend school. I was determined to keep warm and cozy. "I'll buy you something to eat on the way," April added.

We trudged down the street, old snow crunching underfoot. I gripped my hot chocolate tightly, breathing in the sweet steam that floated out of it. The warmth of the cup was pure bliss. "Thanks, April," I sighed, taking a sip. "Sure," she replied bluntly, shrugging. We continued to walk in silence. I wanted to hear the satisfying crunch of the snow.

We arrived at my apartment complex after a relatively short walk. I hopped up the steps, April lingering down on the pavement. "See you tomorrow," I offered with an awkward smile. "See you," she replied, starting down the sidewalk. I entered the building and promptly scaled my way up to my and my fathers' apartment.

I fumbled with my keys but managed to open the door. "I'm home!" I announced. I heard the shower running, so I ditched the formalities and immediately entered my room. "Y/N!" Someone greeted. I blinked. Leo made a habit out of waiting for me in my room (I didn't dare ask how he got in every day since I always locked my window). After the hundredth time, it barely fazed me. 

"Hi," I set my hot chocolate down on my desk. Leo sprawled out on my bed, yawning. I narrowed my eyes expectantly. Leo sat up and rubbed sleep out of his eyes. "Okay, before you say anything- I care about you, so here I am." He flashed a lopsided grin. "Is that so?" I asked, folding my arms. "It's boring in the lair, and your bed is comfy," he corrected under his breath.

The sound of running water had stopped. I sighed and waved Leo off, picking out some pajamas and starting for the door. "Just don't come out, okay?" The sound of footsteps sounded outside my door. "Y/N?" I heard my dad call. "Are you home? I thought I heard you." I stopped in my tracks and whipped around. 

Leo hissed through his teeth, standing on my bed and looking around in a panic. After a moment of looking for a hiding spot, he gave up and retreated into his shell. "Um- yeah! I'm not decent!" I shouted, grabbing Leo and flinging him out the open window (oh, it turns out he did come in from the window. Who knew?). 

"What?" Dad asked. I rushed over to the door and swung it open. "I'm no longer indecent!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. Dad fixed me with a doubtful look and peered over me, inspecting my room. "What were you doing?" He asked. "Nothing worth worrying about," I responded, probably sounding painfully suspicious.

"Uh-huh," he looked back at me and snorted. "Go get showered so you can help me with dinner." I nodded and slammed the door shut in his face, rushing back to the window. Leo's head poked over the sill at an appropriate time. "You should play baseball," he groaned, looking around my room. I sighed and gave him an apologetic pat on the head. "Sorry."

"Just stay- y'know- out of sight," I advised, stepping back as he dragged himself inside. "Roger," he sat up and saluted me. I gave him a skeptical look before gathering my things and leaving my room to take the aforementioned shower. I exchanged a few words with my dad before entering the bathroom.

After what felt like ten minutes, I clicked open the door and emerged from my habitat- a warm bathroom. "You're slow," Dad commented from the kitchen. I patted the runoff from the back of my neck. "What?" I peeked into the room. Dad was washing the dishes, and two steaming plates of food were resting on the table.

"Sorry," I offered sheepishly, sitting down to eat my dinner. Leo would be good on his own for a couple of minutes. Wrong! A loud thump came from my room. Both our heads turned towards the hallway. I chowed down my food and booked it into my room. "What are you doing in there?" Dad asked from the kitchen.

"Nothing!" I called back, swiftly slamming my door. Leo was standing in the corner of the room with a lampshade over his head. I smothered my mouth with my hand to prevent myself from bursting with laughter. "This is your idea of a hiding spot?" I asked, lifting it off his head. "I don't wanna go out the window again," he shrugged.

I snorted and jumped onto my bed. My heater wasn't working and it was chilly in my room, so I buried myself in my blanket. "I'm gonna do some homework," I declared, flipping open my laptop. "But I wanna hang out with you!" Leo complained, careening into my bed as if he owned it. "Well, I don't want my grade to get any worse," I countered with a frown.

"If I help you, you'll finish faster," Leo pointed out to himself. "You know math?" I asked, pulling up my math homework for the day. "I can try." Leo snuggled up against me and peeked over my shoulder. He stared in complete confusion at my screen. "Five!" He announced. "Five what?" I looked through each equation, bewildered.

"They're all five!" He clarified. I shot him a look over my shoulder. "What? It's simple." Leo began explaining why they were all five with his horrific math skills. By the time he finished, I had lost three brain cells, and I was even more confused. "Oh," was all I could say. I casually typed five for each response (I figured out the answers later. Sorry, Leo) and shut my laptop.

"Well then, that's all for homework," I snorted. I finished most of my work at school anyways. "I should do your homework more often," Leo suggested with a smile. I smiled back and gave him a nod, mentally cringing. Leo opened his mouth to say something else, but I let out a monstrous yawn. "You can't be sleepy! Seriously?" Leo asked in disbelief.

"School is tough," I pointed out with another yawn. "Maybe you should go back to the lair. I'm not fun when I'm unconscious." Leo frowned and folded his arms stubbornly. "No." I rolled my eyes. "Well, suit yourself," I shrugged. "If you're going to sleep, I'm going to sleep," Leo proclaimed. He collapsed back into my mattress and faked a yawn.

"You're such a baby," I teased, grinning. Leo gave me a look that sent me spiraling into laughter. "Y/N, are you going crazy?" Dad called from the kitchen. "No, I'm watching something!" I called back. "If you insist," I heard him snort. I glanced over my shoulder at Leo, who was curled into the blankets like a little cat.

My cheeks flared violently. His spot looked so warm and he looked was looking awfully snuggly. There was a perfect dip beside him that looked particularly inviting. "Leo, can I-" He reached his arms out, cutting me off. I grinned and dropped down into his arms. I was immediately engulfed in a sea of warmth. Oh, this is the life, I sighed mentally.

We snuggled into the blankets and just laid there, enjoying each other's company. "Leo," I said. He hummed in response. "You're really warm," I risked a quick kiss to his knuckles. Leo stiffened beside me. I froze, blinking in confusion before glancing up. His face was completely red. "Oh," he choked out, staring daggers at the ceiling.

I snorted and sunk into the blankets after placing an identical kiss on his other hand. Good night, me. I sighed, feeling the warmth in every inch of my body. This was heaven after a cold day. Leo awkwardly relaxed and kissed my wrist in turn. This was definitely going to be the best sleep of my life. -

【𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊】  ♥ㅀ𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬Kde ÅŸijí příběhy. Začni objevovat