𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘩 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴 𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘩 [❤]

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- I leaped sideways, avoiding an attack. We were in the middle of the city, where strange mutants had launched an attack. When we initially arrived, we realized that the mutants were us. We decided to save the questions for later. I avoided another attack. "Y/N!" The call distracted me. I looked up for a split second, and Y/N-2.0  tackled me. 

Someone grabbed my ankle and flew upward. "Jesus! Donnie!" I flailed around in midair. "You were getting pummeled," Donnie pointed out. "Raph!" I shrieked. Donnie immediately followed my gaze. Raph was getting repeatedly slammed against the pavement, wrecking the cement. "Launch me, Donnie!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Donnie promptly spun around, trying to get a good boost, before letting me go. I went flying toward Raph. I landed hard on the pavement beside him. Raph-2.0 and Raph both froze mid-fight, staring at my lifeless body. "Uh, Y/N?" I abruptly sprung onto Raph-2.0's face, clinging to him like a crazed Koala.

Raph-2.0 shouted, caught off guard. Raph planted a hefty punch in Raph-2.0's chest. The blow was so hard it left a crack in his shell. Raph-2.0 flew backward, trying to rip me off his face. I shrieked and tried to scramble off, but boy, did he have a grip. We slammed into the base of a building, wrecking it slightly. "Shoot- Y/N!" 

Raph-2.0 released me, and I ran back to the real Raph. "Are you okay?" He demanded. "I'm fine." He glared up at Raph-2.0. "Didn't put up much of a fight," Raph commented, tipping his head. "For a clone of me." Raph-2.0 immediately leaped up, lunging for Raph. "A little help would be greatly appreciated!" Someone shouted.

"I'm okay. Go help them!" Raph called before promptly getting punched in the jaw. "Really?" I stared at him over my shoulder. He was wrestling with Raph-2.0. "I got this!" Raph snapped. I shrugged and raced toward the brothers. Leo was dodging attacks from his replicate. "I can't do it!" He bawled, glancing up at Donnie as he flew overhead.

"Hit it!" Donnie snapped. "He's too handsome. I can't!" Leo insisted, dodging yet another attack. "Where's Mikey?" I inquired. "Empire State," Leo called. "Empire State? What was he thinking?" I asked, standing amidst the chaos. "Y/N, get off your high horse and fight!" Donnie ordered, sailing away from his counterpart.

"Like you're doing much! You're just chasing each other!" I spat, glaring over at Leo-2.0. I tackled him sideways, separating him from the original Leo. "No!" Leo cried in protest. I was punching the heck out of Leo-2.0 when I heard someone shout: "Look out below!" I glanced up, only to be met with Mikey and a stray fountain.

"Mikey, what the heck?!" I stared in awe at him. Leo-2.0, catching me off guard, punched me in the gut. I yelped and fell backward, and Leo-2.0 lifted his katana over his head. "Geronimo!" Instinct made me scramble out of the way. Leo-2.0 was KO'd Mikey's fountain. "Nice shot!" I praised, catching my breath. Mikey landed gracefully beside me.

"By yours truly," he grinned. In an instant, he was flung backward. I jumped in surprise. Y/N-2.0 soared up beside him, snarling. Mikey recovered midair and grappled them. "Cowabunga!" He shouted before whipping them into a building. They crashed through the glass. F to pay respects, I sighed internally.

Mikey landed beside me again. "That's how I roll!" He cheered. "I'm scared to ask what you did to the other Mikey," I snorted. "I tied him to the top of the Empire State Building!" Mikey smiled. I heard an unnatural cry and looked up to see Y/N-2.0 lunging. "Oh, no, you don't!" Leo hissed, tackling them sideways.

He took out his katana and skewered them. "Oh! Dude!" I grimaced and covered Mikey's eyes. "What? I wanna see!" He protested, trying to pry my hands off. "Whatever did I do to you?" I demanded. "You got me hit by a fountain!" Leo reminded, pointing at Leo-2.0, who was underneath the fountain. He walked over.

Donnie floated down above us. "Hey, guys!" He greeted, catching his breath. "Hey, Don. How'd your fight go?" I asked. Donnie's expression immediately darkened. "That thing was too cretinous to be my clone,"  he grumbled. "What happened?" Leo asked, slinging his katana over his shoulder. I quickly shuffled sideways.

"We were flying for a bit, and it rammed a streetlight," Donnie explained, gingerly landing on the floor. "It got knocked out." Mikey snickered. "Then I threw it into the Hudson River," Donnie finished, glaring at us. Mikey shut up, and we all took a step back. "Where's Raph?" Leo asked, looking around. "He'll be back," I reassured.

We stood there for a couple of minutes. "Maybe he won't be back?" Donnie contradicted. Everyone mumbled their agreement, careful not to make me freak out. "Fine, let's go find him, then!" I suggested, taking my leave. I went back to the spot where Raph was initially fighting. He wasn't there. I blinked and looked around.

There's blood. I stared blankly at the scarlet spatters. "Raph?" I called, wandering around. "Raph!" Someone screamed. Leo. I took off in the direction of the voice. I arrived at the scene. Raph was lying, half unconscious, on the ground. His face was bruised, and he was bleeding and looked awkward. "Raph!" I shrieked, ramming Leo away.

"Is he dying?!" I demanded. "Move!" Donnie spat, shoving me sideways. I peeked over Mikey's shoulder as Donnie inspected Raph. "We gotta get him to the lair!" Leo opened a portal in front of us. "I'm fine..." Raph muttered. "You're not fine!" I retorted, circling as his brothers fought to lift him off the ground.

"You said you had it under control!" We scrambled into the portal and came out in the middle of the lair. "I guess not," Raph answered, laughing at the irony. I glared at him. "Sorry, Y/N." I sighed, defeated. "Donnie, you do hospital stuff. Help him!" Donnie held up a finger. "Give me a second." He quickly scrolled through his phone.

"What're you-" Mikey began. Donnie spoke up, interrupting him. "Okay, now I know 'hospital stuff." We all stared at him skeptically. "You entrusted me with this. Don't back down now," Donnie frowned, ushering us all out of the way. He cleaned Raph up, glancing at his phone occasionally. He patted and wrapped until he was out of supplies.

"There, he should be alright," Donnie said, standing up. I leaped beside him. "Can turtles take pain meds?!" I interrogated. "Why don't you find out?" Leo narrowed his eyes at me. "Sure thing, open wide!" I stuffed pain meds into Raph's mouth while he yelped in protest. "I don't got any pain!" He squeaked.

"Not anymore, I'm here!" I wrapped my arms around his. Raph grumbled before his eyes rolled back in his head. "Uh, did you give him too many meds?" Mikey asked, poking him right below his eye. "No idea, better safe than sorry, though!" Everyone rolled their eyes at me. "He's got a top-tier partner." Donnie immediately opened his mouth to contradict me. -

【𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊】  ♥ㅤ𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now