𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘈 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘖𝘯 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 [💛]

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Warning: This shit sucks.

- I didn't wake up and write 'get kidnapped and hang upside down in a forest' in my to-do list, but here I was, Y/N L/N, dangling like I was Spider-Man or something. The duct tape over my mouth was beginning to make my skin tingle. How did I get into this situation, you may be asking? Well, it was a long story.

"Hey, Y/N!" I didn't have enough time to turn as something barrelled into me. "Mikey!" I gasped, stumbling backward. "You need to stop jumping onto me like that," I smiled sheepishly, barely managing to stand. Why was Mikey so heavy? My legs were struggling to keep us both up. "Sorry," Mikey offered with an apologetic grin.

"Are you going to school?" He asked, still hanging onto me. "Unfortunately," I sighed. My knees had started wobbling. There was a chance that I was going to faceplant into the floor. "Mikey, get off of Y/N!" Raph called from where he was working out. "Make me!" Mikey called back with a challenge ringing in his voice.

No, no, Y/N! Later than that.

I was walking home from school, headphones blasting my favorite song in my ears. I was humming along, and my feet were touching the ground in sync with the beat. The weather was nice, so I ditched the bus and headed on foot. As I made my way home, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

At first, I ignored it. My first thought was that people looked at each other on the street. I didn't think it was a big deal, so I continued walking, picking up the pace. The feeling didn't disappear as I rounded multiple corners. I swallowed back my fears and turned around to confront the person I believed was following me.

The street was empty, aside from a couple of students making their way home. I inhaled deeply. My house was just two blocks away now. I didn't have to be paranoid then. I turned and continued walking, and w immediately dragged into an alley. I yelped, completely caught off guard by the random action.

My headphones slid off my head as I struggled against the person who had grabbed me. Whoever it was, they had no intention of letting me go. I frantically whirled around. I was too young to die! "Let me go-!" I managed to call out before getting struck with an object and knocked unconscious.

Yeah, that's what happened.

I continued to hang upside down, more ticked off than I should've been in that situation. When I had regained consciousness, I was immediately confronted by Meat Sweats. According to him, I was a weak spot for the Hamatos, and soon they would come barreling after me. "Give up, dude!" I called into the forest. I knew he was nearby.

"They aren't as dumb as you think!" They're as dumb as he thinks, I grumped internally. But at least they wouldn't know where I was. They'd realize I was missing, and it would be better than having them turned into Turtle Soup. "Don't be so sure!" A voice, Meat Sweats, called back. A flicker in between the trees made my breath catch in my throat.

Are you kidding me? I thrashed wildly, trying to free myself from the rope I was bound with. "Come on!" I snapped under my breath. How did Mikey find me? Curse you for caring about me! "Y/N!" Mikey called in the distance. Meat Sweats and I both stayed silent. I was not about to lead Mikey right into a trap.

Meat Sweats, probably uninterested in getting his cover blown by a screaming idiot, immediately rushed over and slapped duct tape over my mouth. I wiggled around, trying to free myself so I could make bacon strips, but to no avail. I grumped and let myself go limp. Meat Sweats disappeared back into the forest.

Unfortunately (and yikes, did it hurt me), Meat Sweats did an awful impersonation of me to get Mikey to come over. No way he was that gullible- right? I thought. Wrong! A flash of orange flickered above my head, which momentarily confused me, then Mikey dropped down directly onto me. The branch creaked.

"Hi! What're you doing?" Mikey asked light-heartedly before looking around. "Where's Meat Sweats?" I shot him an unimpressed look. Was he expecting me to respond when my mouth was layered with duct tape? And how exactly did Mikey know what went down? Was Donnie still messing around with the street cameras?

I took a deep breath through my mouth. "Hello, Michael," I frowned at him. "Thank you for coming to save my life. Appreciate that. However, now we're both screwed." Mikey scrambled up the rope I was tied with. He looked around. "Screwed how?" The tree we were in tipped over. We both froze in confusion.

"Well, now I'm screwed!" I cheered as my life flashed before my eyes. Mikey slashed the rope, grabbed me, and got us out of there before we could become pancakes. "I know you're out there somewhere!" Mikey called into the trees. I slowly realized that this could be the plot of a horror movie. "Please untie me," I whimpered. I needed to book it if something happened.

Mikey either didn't hear me or wanted the satisfaction of being the person to save me. Little did he know, I would haunt him if I lost my life in these woods. I heard a twig snap in the distance, and I decided this was a horror movie. "Why'd you come here alone?" I snapped to Mikey. For a ninja, he didn't think a whole lot.

"I don't know," he admitted. I glared at him. "There's an easy solution to this!" Mikey exclaimed immediately, whipping out his kusari. "I hope you don't plan on killing me," I said with a nervous grin. "Nope!" He started flinging it around, and after a while, the kusari lit fire. Immediately, the tree beside us burst into flames.

"Your solution was to light us on fire?" I asked. "Uh, no. If we looked crazy, nobody would try to attack us," Mikey reasoned. I stared at him in awe, captivated by his thought processing. More trees started bursting into flames. I yelped and looked around. We were surrounded by fire. "Mikey- I don't wanna get fried!" I shrieked.

"Another solution!" Mikey insisted quickly. "Stop flinging that thing around! You're making it worse!" I instructed sharply. Mikey halted instantaneously. He hastily lost his cool. "We're gonna die!" He shrilled. "I'm haunting you!" I screamed in reply. "We're both gonna be dead!" I frowned at him. If I was going to die, I would die insulting him.

I whipped around, trying to find an exit. "There!" Mikey had retreated into his shell. I groaned and summoned all of my strength to lift him. "You owe me big time!" I snapped, booking it. "Yep!" I heard him call back. I ran like the wind until I was out of the fire, but I kept on running until I was out of the entire forest.

I threw Mikey's shell to the ground, groaning and gingerly touching my shoulders. "Why are you so heavy?" I snapped, collapsing onto my butt. "I eat a lot of pizza," Mikey mumbled guiltily, poking out of his shell. "Sorry about almost killing you." I glared at him, then sighed. We sat there and casually watched the fire. -

This took forever to write. I need to stop procrastinating so much.

【𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊】  ♥ㅤ𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now