Chapter 47: "The Beach Cabin"

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A few days later, after our amazing experience of flying on our glider, we thought of spending the night at our tropical beach cabin.

The beach cabin is pretty big, but when we saw it from the air, it looked pretty small. It looks cozy though.

It has all the things we need to spend some time there, like we built our own hammocks, and a handmade stove to cook some food like live caught fish or lobsters.

That day when we decided to spend the night on our cabin, I'm inside while Michael is out, getting something to eat for the night.

He comes back, with some fish on the basket he took with him, and some bananas for a snack. I've been inside, preparing our dinner table and our hammocks to sleep on for the night.

-Mary! I caught something for us!- He shouted, holding his basket.

-That's great!- I responded.

We finished having fish for dinner

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We finished having fish for dinner. And after we washed our dishes in the water container in our small kitchen, we ended up chilling on our balcony, enjoying the view of the sunset with the relaxing sounds of the ocean waves.

-Isn't it wonderful, Mary?- He said.

-Yeah... it feels great tho. I love the feeling of the wind touching my skin. And you?-

-Same here. I no longer feel pain anymore. I can now enjoy the warmth of the sun and getting to swim back into the ocean and lay on the sand. It feels so good! So damn good!-

-I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Hey, can I ask you something?-

-Sure. What's up?-

-I'm feeling pretty kinky right now. Can we do something fun tonight?-

-Wait... kinky? You mean sex?-


-It's alright. I'm already into that stuff. It helped us a lot. So what do you wanna do tonight?-

-That's why I'm asking. I don't know if you're in the mood for something... extreme...-

-What do you mean "extreme"?-

-Well... you always liked being violent in your videos and shows, don't you wanna start something different?-

-Okay... what do you want me to do?-

-It's complicated...-

-C'mon girl! Don't be shy.-

-Okay... I wanna tie you up and suck your dick!-

-Oh Jesus Christmas... really? You serious?!-


-That sounds fantastic!-

-Really? I thought you're gonna get mad or flabbergasted...-

-What? No! I wouldn't. These past couple of years have been so fun with you! You made me feel more free than ever. And I never thought of sex to be that satisfying and liberating. Of course I would join!-

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