Chapter 29: "The Mysterious Cave"

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The wonderful jungle is covered in refreshing rain, and we stayed resting under a large tree, inside its cave under it.

As the morning seems calm, I started to wake up first. When I sat up, I noticed that Michael is still asleep. The zebra went out to eat some leaves.

Thankfully, the zebra hasn't been caught by a predator.

I immediately woke Michael up.

-Michael! Wake up! The rain has stopped!- I shook his shoulder.

He immediately woke up, looking all confused. He snorted when he opened his eyes, how cute.

-Ugh... hey, good morning...- He suddenly yawns.

He began to stretch his body on the nest and scratch his chest.

-Good morning, precious. How's your sleep?- I then kissed him.

-It was marvelous. I slept like a baby.- He kissed me back.

-Awww you are my baby. You look so precious in the morning.-

-Awww thanks, sweetie. Hey, what's for breakfast?-

-I guess we still have some delicious crabs and pineapple in the baskets, want some?-

-Sure, why not?-

-We're almost there to our home.-

We started enjoying our morning meal for a while.

A couple of hours later, we continued riding the zebra on our journey home.

As we are headed to the coast through the thick jungle, we saw something mysterious that blocked our way.

As we are headed to the coast through the thick jungle, we saw something mysterious that blocked our way

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A large cave.

-Damn, this is a dead end, should we get in?- Michael asked.

-I'm not sure. There's no other way. It looks kinda dangerous to me.- I felt insecure.

-Let's go have it look. If it leads us to our home, then we're good.-

The zebra seems nervous too.

-There, there, boy. Everything will be fine.- He patted the zebra and calming him down.

We entered the large cave after all.

The entrance looks really huge, and very dark. Michael and I had to do something to look better in the dark, so Michael had thought in making a torch.

We together prepared the fire first for several minutes at the corner of the cave, and made our own torch with a huge tree branch and a few dried sticks on top of it. And finally, we made our own light up torch.

-Wow! Michael, you're so good.- I was impressed.

-Hehe. I watched Indiana Jones back in the day.- He answered, laughing.

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