Chapter 7: "The Sex Monster"

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It was lunch time, so we started eating fruits with our fellow primate friends. They shared us with their foods from the trees, and even took us where the water is. We had such a beautiful day at the jungle and sharing with nature.

The chimp family accepted us as good neighbors and also, as a family.

Michael and I took a small nap on the grass, and the apes left us rest for a good time. I laid my head over his chest and we rested like in heaven. So peacefully as it supposed to be.
The day was almost over a we had to get up to leave. I know it's kinda of a sad moment for them, they'll miss us. Michael explained to them with his ape language that we'll return as soon as possible. He then said that we loved you and will be there. It's so kind. And let's not forget that Michael sang a song to them, and they went wild. They got a sweet taste of music.
We waved goodbye to the apes, and they cheered us. We're gonna miss them, but we're sure that we'll come back and visit them again. After that, we walked back in the rainforest.

The singing of birds surrounded our walk. I stepped in front of colorful flowers and smelled them. Michael went in and said:

-They're so beautiful.-
-Yes, they are, Mike. They smell good.-
-I know that... you're my special girl. So I wanna give you some as an honorable gift.-
-Awww! Michael! That is the most beautiful thing I could ever have! Thank you, Mike! I love you!-
-You're welcome, sweetie. Besides, I love you more than anything in this world. You're the sweetest girl I ever have.-

He gave me a sweet kiss. After that, he cut off the flowers and gave them to me. I felt so loved and amazed at the same time, and I saw Michael doing that sweet smile in his face. Finally, I gave him a cute hug. This was the cutest moment ever.

Several minutes later, we stopped in front of a rare tree with unknown type of fruits. Michael stared at the tree for a bit and said, awkwardly:
-Hey, I've never seen these before. Do you know what they are?-
-No, Mike. They look... different. Do you wanna give it a try?-
-Well... I'm sure they're not poisonous, but let's taste them.-
-Okay. Be careful.-

Michael climbed up the tree. He cut off the fruits down with a sharp piece of stone and let them drop on the ground. He jumped back down and picked up the strange looking fruits.

The fruits are described like this: they're roundy, yellow with orange spots, and with small spikes. Looks like something coming from another planet. So strange looking.

-Wanna give it a taste?- He asked.
-Okay. I bet it's good.-

We cut off the fruit in half, and we could see the inside of it. It's dark red, like wine color. And the smell was so strong, it made our minds blow up like "what is this?".
-Okay, here goes nothing.- I said, getting ready to chew.

We ate the fruit, and... it was very sour!

-Holy Christ! This is so sour, but tasty!- I shouted.
-Gosh! I know, right? It's good, but strong!-
-OMG! I can't believe this is happening!-
-*Chewing* What do you mean?-
-Yeah! Me too! Shall we take it?-
-Sounds great! We can eat the rest later.-

Our mouths got covered with the juice, and it looked like blood. We've never eaten something so delicious.

A couple of minutes later, we stopped by the waterfall and washed our faces with the water. After that, we entered back to the cave, because the sky was getting dark.

We light up the fire, left the flowers on a rocky shelf, including the strange new fruit. Before we get to sleep, we've decided to look at the sunset for a second time on the island.

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