Chapter 20

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Hihi!! :D Hru guys today?

The Dream face reveal-

I went on that rant in my stream already I'm not gonna repeat myself- but the vlog- THE FRICKING VLOG AND THAT ONE MOMENT OF GOGS SAYING BYE TO WILBUR IT WAS FUNNY BUT I CRI AFTER-

It hurt the most I'm ngl- :') It might be because gb shipper but whatever-

That was the first time I used emojis in a chapter oh that was weird to me-


Ok let's start :]

(Sidenote: I sat in front of my computer for like 15 minutes not wanting to write knowing I wrote Fundy out for good and I want him back bc I love him- IT MAKES NO SENSE TO KEEP HIM BUT I WANT HIMMMM- so yeah that's where my head's at as I write :D)

TW: Mentions of $t@bbing, m#rd3r, and mass k!ll!ng(you might be able to guess where it's going...)

Ant bit down hard on the soft yet dense biting pillow harshly as the sword was pulled out of him as smoothly as Callum and Red could. His screams on anguish were muffled by the material. Once it was out, Red immediately stitched up the hole to the best he could. After the painstakingly slow process was finally over, Ant checked the bloody wound.

It wasn't the worst but could be better. Ant drank a potion of healing that'll help the healing process go faster as Red returned with a roll of band-aids.

"That looked painful." Callum winced slightly.

"Welp, another day of war, another day of fighting." Ant sighed, tensing slightly when he felt the cold cream rub against his torso.(IDK HOW THE HELL YOU FIX(?) A STAB WOUND AM SORRY-) Red mumbled apologies as Callum continued.

"How are you still alive dude, you just got stabbed." Callum said, exasperated. "It doesn't make sense, wasn't Bad also stabbed when he died?" He caught himself a moment too late. "Sorry-"

"Eh, don't worry." Ant mumbled, shrugging it off. "Well, Bad stabbed himself in the, well the most vital organ." He tapped his chest. "Mine was just through the torso. And besides, I've been stabbed before, it's like they say, you get more used to it as it repeats."

"You've been..." Callum trailed off with wide eyes. "You were serious about that?"

"Things are rough here yep." Ant nodded, somewhat enjoying Callum's interest in this.

"Dang." Callum muttered. "What happened then?"

Ant didn't answer immediately with that. Quick, what can I say that'll be believable enough? Um-

"Just during one of the battles in a war." Ant blurted out quickly. "Just got hit by... by someone, nothing serious though."

Well, nothing serious that they need to know now...


"Really? If you don't want to answer you can just say that." Callum said skeptically.

Before Ant could reply and defend himself, he felt the bandage that Red had begun to wrap around him tighten a little bit. Almost as if a silent nudge for him to tell the truth.

I can't though...

"Answer the question Ant." Red hummed from his spot, continuing to bandage up his partner. Their eyes locked, Red's almost telling him, Please. For once.

And he just couldn't find himself to say no.

Ant huffed, looking away from them. The two waited patiently, clearly sensing a story behind it.  When Ant didn't budge, Red continued to finish wrapping up the wound, tying it off and pressing against the wound lightly to check for blood. Ant grimaced, yet hid it well as Red retracted. Once Red was seated next to Callum in front of Ant, Ant sighed again.

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