Chapter 30

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Idk I'm really invested in writing lately lol- also my YouTube shorts page currently sucks so I write now when I usually watched-

BUT YEP- I'm extreme and unpredictable sometimes don't mind me-

But yeah, the end of the book is almost upon us already after like 5 months ha- my writing schedule was a lot more wonky this time lol- this is the last actual chapter, after will be an epilogue and a final an just like the first book :))

So, hope you're all having a good day, and welcome to the finale ;)

If you know where that's from- I'll be very surprised-

Quick shoutouts to: just_a-nOrmal_Person , Painites and Boomony for reading, commenting and voting( and dealing with my crap the most :)) Ly guys/p, hope you're doing good :)

(Also shoutout to CelestealShower for reading and interacting, I'm not @ them because I feel like waiting for them to read here to see lol-(don't ask me why, idk, just bc yes))

But yep- we're here-

This feels so weird, I went on a writing streak and now I'm at the end so quickly-

AA I'm just stalling here- here we go!

(15 minutes later: I had to reread the last chapter because my crap memory completely forgot what happened already-)

A loud, agitating shriek rang in the air, vibrating in Ant's skull. He's not entirely sure who it came from or if it was from the egg itself, but he didn't have the time to find out, or really care. He watched as the vine in front of him flopped on the floor and shrivelled in a matter of seconds.

Before anyone else in the room could react with a proper response, one not of shock and anger, Ant ran out of the room through the long corridor on the right. He sprinted as fast add his feet could carry him, giving him a decent head start.

With the extra time, he was able to kick open every door to several room roughly, scanning the contents before he started to hear the echoes of the footsteps of the Eggpire members in the hallway.

Upon hearing them, Ant quickly ducked into a room, closing the door as silently as possible, cringing at the quiet click it made as he locked it shut.

Gotta wait it out here I guess... Ant thought with a sigh, peeking outside and watching as they ran across, checking each room at a rapid pace. Ant let out a small gasp of fear, and ducked under the counter in the room.

As the footsteps got closer, he was able to get a good look at the room. Shelves of different sizes and shapes filled with many colourful objects were lined across the walls. Art supplies were Ant's guess from the size and shape. In the middle, between the walls and the counter was a wooden round table with several chairs around it. On top were different clay statues, each in a different step of completion.

The art room. Ant remembers it from the vision the egg gave him, the laughter and chatter filling his mind. Not something they had with the first Eggpire. Ant wonders who started it.

A loud bang caught his attention, head swivelling towards the door. The doorknob was rattling, door thumping back and forth as something was slammed against it repeatedly. As Ant curled into a tighter ball, sword in a firm grip, the metal lock fell to the ground with a clang as the door was ripped open, popping right off it's hinges and straight to the floor. Ant flinched at the sound while the other seemed unfazed.

Don't Forget Me... - A Velvetfrost and Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now