expectation vs reality

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"Are you okay, Y/n?" your dad asked one time during dinner, noticing you with a glassy look in your eyes

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"Are you okay, Y/n?" your dad asked one time during dinner, noticing you with a glassy look in your eyes. You were deep in your thoughts when he started talking about what they did on Christmas Eve, how Johnny and Sue went on first time sledding at their grandmother's countryhouse, making you remember about the wonderful time you spent with Wanda and her family.

"Oh, yeah...," you replied, immediately taking a gulp of water from your glass to distract your father. "I'm just tired from the trip and all." You forced a weak smile his way. You actually were exhausted, it wasn't a lie. The trip back home took you and Wanda two hours. Your girlfriend insisted on giving you a ride amidst your protests. You just didn't want to tire her out because she'd be driving back to her mother's house to spend the rest of the holidays.

"So...," your dad went on, pouring some milk into Sue's glass. "You really enjoyed your Christmas vacation then? What was it like?"

A smile crossed your face as you recounted what Wanda's family did on Christmas Eve. At least it moved the lingering thoughts that bothered you so much. You began sharing how their celebration was completely different from yours. How you didn't think that people could also find love and happiness at loud gatherings, not only from silent calm and peaceful celebrations. Your father also didn't fail to notice the necklace around your neck, your cheeks tinted with pink as he teased you about how you had been glowing since you came back.

"Sounds like she's a charm," he added. "When can I finally meet this Wanda lady, huh?"

Johnny and Sue then chimed in, telling your father about the kiss you and Wanda shared outside the house during one of your babysitting errand. Your father only grew confused as he listened to details Johnny explained, how Wanda did the Love Actually card thing, which eventually faltered when the boy noticed you giving him a glare to stop.

"Sounds serious," your dad concluded, unfazed. "Do you love this girl?"

"Dad!" you argued exasperatedly, redness overflowing your face.

"What? I just want to give some love advice to my daughter...," he defended. "Maybe I can help..."

Jane then stepped in the dining room, bringing with her a platter of the cooked ham. "I think that's my job, dear," she interjected, a smile on her face.

You giggled back, shaking your head. "That's not anyone's job but mine, okay?"

"Okay, fine," your dad settled, slicing through the meat for the youngsters. "Does she love you at least?"

You nodded back almost immediately, earning celebratory cheers from your father and stepsiblings. The roar of laughters suddenly transported you back to the night you accidentally confessed your feelings towards Wanda.

"I love you," you panted through the pillows, eyes widening when you realized you weren't just saying it inside your head. That's what it does when you have been thinking about it for a while.

You Fell First But She Fell Harder (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now