if not love persevering

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"Would you still love me even if I was a worm?"

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"Would you still love me even if I was a worm?"

Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at your girlfriend, her silly side coming out one lazy Sunday afternoon when you both woke up from a power nap. You and Wanda were laying on your bed in your dorm room, side by side as you faced each other, taking advantage of the rainy weather outside as you surrounded yourselves with layers of blankets. Hollie Col's Please Don't Love Someone was playing in the background.

Red hair splayed all over the pillow under Wanda's head, creating a magnificent masterpiece before you. She was always a beautiful sight.

"Seriously?" you asked in disbelief, snickering when the redhead's grin only widened. "A worm?"

Wanda nodded. "Yep."

You gently brushed a strand of her hair from her face before you responded. "Where have you read this stuff, huh?"

Wanda only chuckled before you. "Come on, just answer the question, baby... Would you still love me?"

You shook your head as you laughed, making the redhead laugh out louder. "Of course, I'd love you..."

"Really?" Her eyes only widened, the emerald orbs shining with utter happiness. "Even when you couldn't see me because I'm so tiny? What if I get lost? Or get eaten by something huge like a bird?"

Your heart elated with joy seeing the inner child within the redhead. "Then I'd protect you... I'd put you in a container-"

"You'd imprison me?" Wanda slapped your arm playfully.

"Hey, it's for your own protection," you quickled added.

"How dare you?" She feigned offense, followed by uncontrollable giggles.

"Plus, it's not going to be a prison," you explained. "I'd build you your own tiny palace... There'd be dirt around it, of course. The soil would be like your own personal pool... And it would be so spacious... It would also have a roof so it would protect you from any harm..."

Wanda smiled at your response, leaning forward as she placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. You then softly brushed your nose against hers, skins grazing each other igniting a flame of want. And before you could capture her lips, she pulled away. "What if I'm a bear?"

You snorted as you cupped her cheek. "Now that's a different case..."

"Would you still love me though?" she insisted to ask, biting her lower lip to stop from grinning so wide.

"C'mon, that doesn't make any sense at all," you complained. "You know there's a hundred percent chance you'd kill me first before I could get near you..."

Wanda laughed at that, the creases around her eyes more prominent, making her more beautiful. When the laughter died down eventually, comfortable silence followed as you found her gaze drifting from your eyes down to your mouth.

You Fell First But She Fell Harder (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now