Chapter 2: Hey stranger?

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A/N: JUST to let you all know there's a small TW for panic attacks but nothing too excessive! I hope you enjoy this chapter I'm certainly enjoying writing it!!

Your whole body tensed up instantly and you felt your hands get clammy and your stomach churn. Looking up at Katlyn she had a smirk on her face and while you had only known her for a mere hour if that, you wanted to shove her into a water fountain.

"I... Umm.." You stuttered out each word, barely being able to look behind you despite the eyes you felt at the back of your head.

A chuckle followed by a cough from behind you made your body kick into fight or flight mode, you knew you had to turn around; you'd already been fucking caught out now.

You slowly turned your head preparing for the worst as the room had turned into an echo of whispers at this point.

You know the ridiculous cliché films of "hE's beHinD yOu," or the stupid concept of a Pantomime you used to love going to as a kid. Yes that was exactly the scenario you'd found your ass in right now.

As your eyes connected with Elizabeth's you could have sworn, fucking sworn her breathe hitched every so slightly. HAHAHA, Y/N don't talk such bullshit.

You've clearly read too many of those fanfictions you get on Wattpad. (Ironic.)

Her eyebrows raised and she did that head tilt you'd been made aware of by Alice once or twice, or you'd observed in an Avengers movie. You thought that was just the character? What the hell, she did it in person too?

Could today get any fucking chaotic or worse?

"So what's your name?" Elizabeth asked as her lips twitched ever so slightly.

Yes, it just bloody did. Great...

"I.. I..."

"She's called Y/N," Katlyn nudged you ever so slightly and you were ready to glare daggers at her. She got you into this situation in the first place.

Your social anxiety was quaking in it's bloody boots at this point.

"Y/N?" Elizabeth repeated and the way your name rolled off her tongue made you jumpy and something else you couldn't even quite place.

You squeezed your right hand back and forth out of habit with anxiety especially since you'd stupidly forgotten the rings you usually played with on your fingers.

"Hi, yes. That's me. I didn't mean- What I said just I... I wasn't supposed to say that. Wait no, you're not a MILF. Hang on, it's not that you're not hot-" As soon as your mouth opened it wouldn't stop.

This is exactly why you pre-planned the whole day and intended to stick to that. Yet here you were rambling straight to a big ass actress in front of a bunch of people you'd never met, spoken to or encountered in your life. Including a new friend you'd met today, she probably thinks you're a weirdo now.

You sigh deeply and it resonates as it echoes around the room, playing with your fingers swiftly.

However, your face melted into a picture of utter confusion as you you were met with a clearly amused woman stood in front of you. Her own face was a picture of entertainment and looked a little flattered,  if you were good at judging expressions that is.

She placed a finger on her lips, hinting at your to quietly stop speaking as she looked down at the photo you had of her held tightly in your left hand.

"I'm flattered sweetie, truthfully. Relax though, I won't bite. Unless you ask," she winked at you. It was so quick you thought you'd imagined it.

Knowing your gay ass you probably had imagined it.

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