Chapter 23: Take me to the lakes

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Y/N's POV:

The woods surrounding the trail appeared to seclude you from the rest of the world as you and Elizabeth made your way up the trail. Alice and Scarlett had dropped you off earlier, simply waving you off before proceeding to almost speed away. You and Lizzie looked a little confused but all the same began to hike up the trail and enjoy the walks you could take.

She brought her dog with her, deciding it would be good for him to stretch his legs as he raced through the tall strands of grass careful to not stray too far. You giggled at this, unable to contain your joy of how domestic it all seemed. Listening out, the sounds of nature giving you a warm fuzzy feeling, one that's welcoming and at peace. You can become a part of nature during the hike and that's what you loved most.

"Did you imagine yourself doing this on your birthday?" She questioned turning her head to look at you.

Before you'd left it had turned out Scarlett had brought Lizzie some more appropriate attire as she couldn't exactly go hiking in everyday clothes you'd go to a coffee shop with. Therefore, her hair was tied back in a bun the darkness of it contrasting the light on her face beautifully.

She wore a black top that fitted her frame well, one meant for outdoorsy type of activities and black workout pants to go with it. She could be wearing a bin bag for all you care and she'd still look beautiful. Realising you were staring you coughed as she smirked a glint in her eye's almost showing hope if you'd looked close enough.

"Not exactly, but I'm not complaining," you laughed as Noon her little dog chased you away into the fields causing you to let out fits of giggles.

Turning your head back to face Lizzie you heard what sounded like a snap and a click and you eyes widened in realisation. Elizabeth stood a few metres away holding your polaroid clasped between her fingers as she held it up facing you.

Walking over to her, you groaned not really being too photogenic despite having a camera, you preferred capturing others. Yet, when it showed up the image you realised how happy you looked. It was sweet and content. She was looking at the photo in awe causing you to tilt your head, you're not supposed to.. look at friends like that? Shaking your head you continued to walk up the path but you couldn't shake the strange feeling away.

There is only a dirt path, leading you both through the wild as you followed Alice and Scarlett's 'map', not that it was much of a map that is. Just a shit bunch of dot's to where Lizzie assumed she knew where you were going. You debated otherwise but didn't dare verbalise it incase she threw you off the cliffside.

"I'm not convinced we're going any right way you know," you muttered after you'd been walking for 2 hours with a couple of rest breaks.

Lizzie simply rolled her eyes chuckling at your impatience. Sure when it came to nature you loved it, the birds and the sounds of peace and prosperity were incredible, the birds sometimes silencing their chirping simultaneously when you and Lizzie passed before continuing along their tune. However, it didn't stop you from being human and needing to not walk until your feet dropped off. You were convinced if you continued to hike further you can forget the phrase, "shop till you drop," it's more like "walk till you can't talk", because you've collapsed of lack of breath.

"We're just hiking Y/N/N, get with it," she laughed causing you to shove her lightly.

That caused some ridiculous back and forth pushing and shoving, playfully of course. It was so relaxed and normal it didn't feel real in all honesty. Spending your birthday alongside Elizabeth Olsen hiking and playfully pushing each other seemed out of this world. Like some book fiction.

Suddenly Lizzie pointed at over in the corner her eyes lightening up like a child's on christmas. You liked that about the older woman. How she was always so eager to do and see things in life. Following her line of sight, you looked as to where she was pointing at and your eyebrows rose in surprise and confusion.

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