Chapter 11: Escaping to peace

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You plopped down a little ungracefully on the couch, turning the TV on as you contemplated on what film you and Lizzie could watch. You were wondering on whether she'd want to actually watch a Marvel film or whether it would make her uncomfortable.

Part of you wanted to put one with her on, perhaps MoM or Wandavision just to watch her squirm to be honest. You'd perhaps do that a little later in the evening.

Flicking through the films, you looked behind you saw Lizzie dancing to some sort of vinyl she had playing in the background it sounded a little like... Dodie? You didn't peg Lizzie as a Dodie listener, but hell you weren't complaining by any means.

She moved ever so gracefully around her kitchen, which was expected, it was her kitchen for fuck's sake. No, it wasn't that it was just the way she did it without thinking, on autopilot just knowing what to do without thought or knowledge.

"It's rude to stare you know," she didn't look up from the pan though as she through in the cabbage adding in herbs and spices.

"Shit, sorry... I was just admiring the view," you said without thinking.

Wait shit, that didn't sound how you wanted it to sound at all.

Lizzie's head snapped up and her eyes instantly connected with your own. You could have sworn her face wasn't usually that red. It was probably from the cooking and the heat the dish was giving off.

"The view?" Her eyebrow quirked up and her lips twitched ever so slightly.


"Yeah, the dish it looks amazing Lizzie!" You saved yourself, I mean it wasn't a save if it was the truth.

It was the view you were admiring.

Lizzie let out a low hum, turning her attention back to her dish and continuing to listen to Dodie. You sensed you'd said something wrong, but you weren't sure what. Probably your overthinking mindset anyway.

Turning your own attention back to the TV, you continued to flick between the channels and films until you gave up and turned-on Disney+. Fuck it, Lizzie would just have to deal with watching perhaps one of her own films.

Looking through each of the options, you'd settled with Age of Ultron, as it was and always will be one of your biggest marvel comfort films. You were about to actually press play until Liz's voice echoed from behind you, urging you to get up.

"Hey, Y/N can you set the table for us please?" She asked you gently as she began to plate up both dishes.

"Sure thing!"

You stood, entering the kitchen looking for the cutlery and the placemats acting like a lost idiot until Elizabeth pointed out where the placemats and everything was and you nodded before heading to get them.

You worked around each other and without realizing it, the situation looked just a tad bit domestic. Lizzie sorting out the final touches to your food as you grabbed the shit you both needed. However, you began to unintentionally sing She by Dodie as it was in fact playing in the background.

Lizzie's head gently lifted up looking over at you, as your voice filled the kitchen softly grabbing the rest of the cutlery and placing them on the main dinning table. She stared at you for a long period of time, as you didn't realize you'd been humming the lyrics.

"Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong, when she's just so nice to look at?" You hummed and only stopped when Lizzie joined in herself.

"And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach," she grinned over at you as you stopped what you were doing.

"You know the lyrics too?"

"Duh, I do have the vinyl playing you goof," She giggled and you joined in the laughter. She passed you both your plates as she headed to get the wine.

Pouring you both a glass, you both sat down contently before turning your attention to the food and you had a small bite. You couldn't help but let out a small moan of appreciation, because holy fucking shit. This food tasted like heaven.

You couldn't think of many things that you'd tasted better than this right now, as you went to proceed to tuck into your meal. Your eyes connected with each other and you noticed Lizzie holding the fork rather tightly almost making her knuckle white.

Is she okay? Why on earth is she gripping the fork that tightly?

"You okay there Liz?" You said taking a sip of your wine trying to pull her out of whatever trance she'd gotten lost in.

"Sorry, I got a little distracted," she mumbled as she let the grip loosen on her fork, before tucking into her own meal.

She smirked as she ate it, glancing at you for approval.

"So, is it nice?" She tilted her head at you in anticipation waiting for your response.

"Oh god Lizzie, it's incredible! Seriously, you're a top tier chef," you raised your glass at her as she laughed shaking her head at you.

You continued laughing and drinking your wine before taking the plates into the kitchen after finishing your meals. You poured you and Liz one more glass of wine. As you began to wash the dishes.

"Hey, you don't need to do that Honey!"

The pet names... This woman needs to let you breathe.

"I want to! It's only fair dear, besides you cooked the meal so sit your ass down!" You laughed pointing at the couch.

Lizzie pouted at you, rolling her eyes but still followed your instructions and sat down on the couch waiting for you to finish. You swiftly washed the dishes, before following suit and sitting next to Lizzie on the couch, passing her wine glass to her.

She looked up at the TV as you pressed play, scoffing instantly as she realized what film you'd put on for you both.

"Seriously Y/N?" She laughed side eyeing you and you grinned instantly.

"Sorry, but it's my comfort film! Besides Emo Wanda," you giggled as Wanda and Pietro came on the screen.

"Sorry, Emo what?!"

"Emo Wanda?!" You looked at her and she gawked at you in shock.

"That's a thing?"

"Come on Liz, there's different Wanda stages everyone knows that," you both began giggling looking over at the film.

Glancing over at her side profile, you noticed her shivering slightly and you looked around for the blanket. You saw one on the arm of the couch and threw it over the pair of you, earning a surprised glance.

"You were cold, I noticed don't complain or deny," you gave her a look but she smirked and thanked you gratefully.

As the film played on, you both gradually slouched more as you didn't realize it but by god you'd exhausted yourself out today. That and it was getting late. You were going to announce your exit, but that's when you felt a weight on your shoulder.

Looking over at Elizabeth, you noticed she'd fallen asleep slouching against you head resting against your shoulder. It was cute and you were too nice of a friend to move or get up, so you just settled yourself down, allowing yourself to drift off into a slumber.

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