Chapter 12: All we do is drive

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The light glinted through the windows slowly the next morning. The sunlight streaming golden through the window announcing the rising of the sun, allowing you to stir ever so slightly. You cracked one eye open then another trying to understand your current surroundings. You'd never been a morning person and doubted that would be changing anytime soon, if ever.

As your body and your mind began to wake up more, you tried to stretch and move your muscles to adjust to being awake. However, you noticed a heavy pressured weight stopping you from being able to stretch your muscles, or any part of you for that matter. Your right arm felt numb to the core and your legs felt about as dead as a doornail.

Looking to your right, you wanted to figure out the cause of the numbness and your eyes landed on a sleeping Elizabeth Olsen.

Oh, shit yeah.

You'd completely forgotten that you'd stayed at hers for a moment. Most likely explained the confusion of different surroundings when you'd awoken. Lizzie was lying directly on your arm, well your right one, using it as a pillow. It was a little cute if you did say so yourself.

Her left arm was wrapped around your torso and your legs half way entangled with each other. If someone walked in on this, they'd quite easily get the wrong idea. You wouldn't blame them if that was the case to be completely honest. You'd have gotten the wrong idea yourself if it wasn't for your knowledge of your friendship with her.

You realized how awkward this could turn out if she figured you were awake and woke up too. It would probably be better if you were supposedly asleep in her eyes to save awkward confrontations later on. Closing your eyes, you lay there for what felt like hours, due to the urge of wanting to move your limbs- it was probably more minutes.

Eventually, you felt Lizzie stir slowly next to you. At first she seemed to snuggle further into your neck almost causing your breathe to hitch and you had to refrain a surprised gasp from escaping your lips.

You lay there for a moment until you heard Lizzie gently come to terms with her surroundings.

It didn't seem to take long as the moment she realized you two were entangled together on the sofa she let out a rather loud gasp, before falling instantly off the couch. Hell, she'd almost dragged you down with her- you had to physically hold yourself up to stop the fall.

So much for subtlety.

Rubbing your eyes, you pretended to be oblivious to the situation, as though you'd only woken up. Otherwise, chances were you'd only be making this worse, if that was even possible that was. Tilting you head to Lizzie, you raised your eyebrows in question as her face blushed a deep crimson red.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I just... we umm," She rambled in a way you began to feel just a tad bit guilty.

"We what?"

Perhaps you were a shit for continuing to act oblivious at the whole scenario. However, in your defense seeing the Elizabeth Olsen flushing in embarrassment, you couldn't let slide just yet.

"It doesn't matter," she looked down slightly still looking bright red.

Humming to yourself, you decided to change the topic to make it a little less awkward for the older woman who was now a complete blushing heap of mess trying to brush herself off the floor. You tilted your head once more in contemplation before looking over at her.

"What's your plans for the day?" You asked trying to keep your plan subtle in case she wasn't in fact available.

She hummed at first in response not quite catching your question until you repeated it.

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