Chapter 22: Polaroid pictures

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Bit of a long chapter definitely one of my favourite's for reasons I cannot disclose.
Y/N's POV:

To say you were exhausted was an understatement. You loved your work, your boss tended to be lenient when in a good mood that was, but god you were tired. It didn't stop the running tension through your back where you'd overworked yourself. To top it all off, your birthday was coming up. Fuck that.

You weren't opposed of birthday's when you were of a younger age, in fact you were besotted with them. The emotions, overwhelming feelings and the love you received as on the occasions as a kid was enjoyable. The only thing enjoyable about it now was drinking and the day being over in all honesty. Why the hell do you celebrate being older and getting closer to death anyway? Little morbid mind, but it didn't make it any less true.

You looked at the clock, huffing slightly it was 11:30pm, you'd realised and knew realistically you should sleep. You were just watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine while eating cookies sipping on your drink. Alice couldn't come around for your birthday this year, her boss was an ass less lenient than your own. God

Alice's boss gave you the creeps. He always seemed to be leaning over her shoulder and you were convinced he was a walking alcoholic, the smell of whiskey and beer always followed him according to Alice. You weren't complaining that she wasn't coming though, part of you wanted to celebrate alone, well no you wanted to not celebrate at all.

Stretching your legs, you lay further back into the couch, tiredness suddenly overcoming you as you continued to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Sleeping in bed probably was a more logical and definitely more body comforting decision, but your body was too busy sinking down into the couch. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time you'd slept on the couch it just wouldn't be on fun for your back and probably leading to a trip to the chiropractor.

The what was warm tea that sat on the coffee table was now cold and still as your arms had become too lazy and relaxed to move anywhere. You grabbed the blanket, muttering at your idiocy for not going to bed properly but you'd deal with it in the morning.

Looking down at your phone, you saw a text from Lizzie causing your face to involuntarily blush and you swallowed harshly typing in your pin to unlock it. However, apparently you were more tired than you realised because the inconsistency of not typing the right number caused your phone to be locked for 2 minutes.

Huffing in annoyance, you places your phone on the side turning to face the TV waiting for the 2 minutes to be up. Your eyes grew heavy though and eventually you just allowed sleep to succumb to your body entirely, eyes shutting slowly. The sound of your phone pinging once more and the infamous scene of I want it that way on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, drowning out in the background.

The sound of knocking brought you out of your slumber, causing you to almost jolt up in confusion. You were still half out of it, as you put the knocking down to simply half dreaming. That was until you heard knocking again, causing you to mutter in annoyance. You looked towards the window noticing the light cracking through the living room so you knew you'd slept through the night. Checking your phone, you saw it was only 8:30am, too early in your mind.

Still, you begrudgingly made your way to the front door, putting your hair in a messy bun on the way whilst straightening your pyjama top. Opening the door, you were ready to tell whoever it was to fuck off and let you sleep- you were not a morning person. That was until who you saw stood on the other side of the door.

Your eyes widened in surprise as she looked at you an amused expression plastered across her face, holding two coffee cups and something else you couldn't quite see. As you looked at her, she clearly seemed more of a morning person her hair neatly cascading down her face into loose curls and her outfit carefully picked out.

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