Chapter 14: June

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The days merged into one as they passed by in a blur. They turned into weeks if you'd really took time to stop and think about it. You'd had to attend work once more after having the break needed. Asking them for a vacation originally seemed a little nerve wrecking, but you felt it was necessary.

Especially since that night.

Your phone rang bringing you out of your thoughts where'd you'd been sat at your desk getting lost in your thoughts drifting away. Shit, you'd been away with your mindset for a good 30 minutes which meant being behind on work.

Groaning at the thought of doing overtime, you glanced down at your phone to see an incoming call from Alice.


"Hey, what's up?" You questioned, though you felt you already knew.

"I think you know Y/N, we both do," she mumbled sympathetically down the phone.

"I'm perplexed here, I don't understand at all."

That was a fat lie, you weren't dumb of the date nor month.

"I know you're trying to ignore the date with work, but we both know that's not healthy. I just want to see how you're doing," you felt a little guilty. She just wanted to check, but you didn't want to think of it.

"It's been 4 years Al, really. I can't spend forever thinking about her," you mumbled swallowing harshly trying to push down the oncoming thoughts.

"No, but you shouldn't be alone... You loved her," she said the last part hesitantly and almost so quiet as though she didn't want you to her, but you did.

Rubbing your hand over your face, you let out a deep sigh trying to look back up at your work. You didn't really have time to think about the date nor the conversation she was trying to keep going right now. It wasn't Alice's fault; it never could be. She cared, but the context was.

"I know, but... Look I have work, I really do. I appreciate the call though Alice," you could feel her eye roll on the other side of the phone, but she didn't push further.

Alice knew your boundaries well enough to respect when to not push it too far. It was one of the reasons you'd became best friends with her actually. You were alone and surprise surprise it was June. The one month of the year you'd begun to hate, but Al never pushed. She always respected.

"Okay, look if you need someone to speak to I'm here, I know you want to pretend you're fine but... I'm here, okay?" Her voice spoke softly through the phone causing you to smile slightly.

"Thanks Alice, really." You muttered before ending the phone call and resting your head in your hands.

As you shook your head clear of the on coming thoughts, you focused more on your work. You had an article to type for the upcoming magazine cover and you were already behind enough. Mr. Stevensions was lenient enough when it came to your personal life, especially given the circumstances. However, he did hold high expectations towards you due to your passion for writing and your job as a whole.

"Hey Y/L/N," a voice said behind you.

Speak of the devil.

"Oh, hey Mr. Stevensions," you smiled a little apprehensively.

"Don't worry I've not come to pressure you, I know it's a tough... month." He smiled apologetically and you resisted the urge to let out an annoyed huff.

It wasn't that you weren't grateful for the concerns and the care, it's just you didn't want to be reminded of it every 5 seconds. Especially, when it was the one thing you'd been trying to cast out of your mind right now. Maybe, that made you selfish you weren't sure, but you just didn't want to remember. Not now, not today.

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