Chapter 5: Let loose

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A/N: I HAVE NOT, proof read this so please bare with me! I posted this with a banging headache (I'm typing thIs with a banging headache smart? No, but I hope you all enjoy this chapter... ) Enjoy the feels while it lasts! ;)

You pushed the door to the restroom open trying not to make too much noise. Reason being, A you didn't wish to startle the living death out of Lizzie knowing she wasn't expecting you and B, you didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to yourself or her.

As you slipped into the restroom you heard the soft sound of what sounded like sniffles, so you assumed instantly that it was her. There was also the echo of raspy breathing coming from one of the toilet cubicles that was a big give away.

Knocking on the door softly, you heard the sniffles stop and someone, presumably Lizzie, take in a gasp of air in surprise.

"Lizzie, it's me," you mumbled to the door with a little urgency. You didn't want her to think some random shit was trying to get into the toilet.

Her soft grunting of swearing almost made you laugh, had it not been for the circumstance.

"Shit," a voice grunted on the other side.

Yep, it was definitely Lizzie alright.

"I'll be okay in a moment honestly, I just need to relax for a moment," you heard her state back.

This time you couldn't help the soft chuckle that left your lips this time, knowing how long she'd been in here.

"I mean you've been here for 15 minutes Liz," you responded and you could sense her eyes widening even with the door shut.

"What, oh my god. This is so embarrassing, wait hang on..."

With that she opened the door and you saw the red rim and puffy eyes knowing instantly she'd been crying. Frankly, she clearly wasn't done crying and was simply trying to put on a front.

That was something you knew better than anyone else...

"Okay, I'm good to go now," she smiled in a way that was so clearly fake you refrained an eye roll.

"Liz, sit down," you pointed to the floor and locked the restroom door so nobody else could get inside.

Whether that was illegal or not was a different matter, but ether way you didn't care nobody was going into the restroom at the moment on your watch.

"Y/N, I'm genuinely fine," she nodded trying to head towards the door but, you called bullshit.

"Elizabeth Chase Olsen, sit down."

Your voice was firm and finger flexing towards the floor with an authority you yourself didn't know you had.

You were surprised you remembered her middle name, well sort of. Given the fact Alice was such a fan-girl it was no surprise you knew her full name from her.

What you didn't expect was for her to gawk at you like you'd grown 3 heads. Her jaw slackened and her eyes bulged out of their sockets. Speaking of her eyes, you'd noticed they'd darkened. You were convinced you were seeing things, but certain they were emerald green a moment ago and they had now changed into a darker green turning to black.

What the hell that's about you don't know.

With all that being said, you watched as she almost stumbled over to the other side and sitting her ass down.

(A/N, Writing this all I could think of was "I SAID SIT," then the "I'm sat...")

"You- You know my full name," she questioned trying to change the subject, which in a way was working.

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