Chapter 24: Falling like the Stars

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Y/N's POV:
TW: Mentions of suicide and trauma

The birds that once applied music as you and Lizzie trekked up the mountains and through the trees, were eventually dimming down quieting after a time. You'd been walking for at least another hour and you'd come across a few openings, but nothing of what Alice had shown you. The scent of the air seems to mix together with the plethora of the plants creating a smell of nature that cannot be found back at home.

You'd been walking way too long now though and you came to a halt letting out a heavy sigh as your legs screamed at you. Turning to look at Lizzie, she stopped spinning on her feet, but even she couldn't glare or complain at you. To pass time before, you'd taken photos of each other. Your favourite was when you'd taken one by the lake both of you laughing as the water streamed down your faces. It was almost dusk now though, becoming too dark for direct photos with each other and you'd both become tired.

Part of you wondered whether Alice knew it was this far that's why she'd packed the essentials. If that were the case god help her when you and Lizzie do get back home, because by god she needs to run for her life.

"Lizzie, we've been walking too far. I think Al and Scar knew we'd be out this long on purpose," you complained huffing at the thought.

She hummed in agreement before looking down to examine the map once more. You moved next to her glancing over the map and realised how ridiculous it looked. For all you knew you'd been wandering around in circles for the past few hours. If that was the case and this whole thing had caused you to be lost in the mountains due to whatever shit Alice had done.. god she needed to go into hiding when you get back to her. Even if you were with.. Lizzie Olsen that is.

Moving back, you smirked at Lizzie watching her concentrated expression and body language. Her eyebrows were furrowed together in utter concentration while her nose scrunched trying to make sense of the map she was holding. It was practically too irresistible to not take action, so you stepped back taking the Polaroid Elizabeth had brought with her out of the rucksack and snapped a photo of her. The little fireflies swimming softly through the air behind her.

At the sound of a click, her head lifted up in confusion before melting into surprise and scoffing at you.

"Seriously Y/N, now?" She laughed a small flush appearing on her face noticeable due to the fireflies.

"The fireflies and the look on your face spoke for itself Lizzie Olsen," you giggle.

You smiled softly at each other before your body decided to ruin the moment and trip over a bush causing you to go flying backwards. A squeal mixed with a shout left your lips, filling the silent still air interrupting the silence of nature itself.

"Y/N/N," she half laughed and said concerned, rushing after you to make sure you were okay.

"I'm okay," groaning you stood up brushing the dirt off your knees turning to glare at a fucking stupid bush.

However as your eyes adjusted further to your surroundings, they widened in surprise a gasp leaving your mouth. Elizabeth sped up her pace to lean down next to you, confused as to what you were staring at around you that had elicited you to gasp in shock.

"Y/N, what is wr-" Yet Lizzie's own voice caught in her throat at the sight that greeted the pair of you.

The glow of the moonlight was faint, but predominantly lighting up the sky as the sun turned to dusk and the fireflies lit up around you. The mountains had a dusky glow that was evident around you. The bush lead into a cascade of standing trees protecting nature itself like something from a Disney fairytale. Looking up at the sky, the stars winked in the endless arch of pink and black specks of the sky. The grass tall and mixed with an aroma of flowers dancing into the sky and into the ground. It was utter bliss and something about this place felt like it was made for you and Elizabeth. Something about it called.

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