Chapter 3: Sparks Fly

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this chaotic chapter, from chapter 4 they'll get longer and longer... with great plots coming ;) ENJOY!!

You felt her direct you through the crowds of people and that's when you noticed you felt Elizabeth's hand shaking slightly. You tried not to react to it, but you knew it was.

However, you didn't want to approach that matter, it wasn't really any of your business... You were too focused on not shitting bricks in front of people, as well as the fact she was holding your hand to guide you through crowds of people in the first place.

"Are you sure this is genuinely a good idea?" You asked her trying to not be too loud incase anyone else overheard.

It's not like what ether of you were doing was illegal, fucking hell she was only taking you... Wait where was she taking you?

"Is anyone ever sure about anything in life?" Her response was accurately true.

Well almost, you were sure you were going to die from a heart attack if she continued to hold your hand for much longer.

"Point taken, but people must be confused about what's going on. I mean, I am," you mumbled back.

It was when you lifted your eyes from your hands to look up you'd realised she was taking you to some sort of back entrance or exit for you to leave from.

"I'm just going to drive us to a coffee shop that's a little further out. I mean, if that is okay with you? I don't want you thinking I'm abducting you or anything!" She laughed slightly as one of the security guards opened the door allowing you both to leave.

She could..abduct you and you wouldn't mind too much. Oh good god, your mindset has gone to utter shit.

"No, it's fine! I don't mind, a little quiet sounds comforting right now," she looked back at you smiling softly.

That's when you decided to let go of her hand, mainly because yours was sweating to death and it had gotten clammy.

You weren't actually sure if that was from anxiety or the fact an actress your best friend won't shut the fuck up about, had been holding your hand for the past 5 minutes at least.

However, you saw something in her eyes when you dropped her hand and wiped them on your dress that was now crumpled.

What, what's that all about? Are you missing something here?

Yet, as soon as you tried to place the look she was giving you, and the hint of something in her eyes it was gone. Strange in all honesty, you could hold it again, but you were not about to ask Elizabeth Olsen if you could continue to hold her hand, certainly not after you'd let it go.

"My car is just over there, try to ignore the Paparazzi's. They're fucking shit," she huffed out preparing herself for the worst.

There's something you can agree with. There's nothing worse than shitty men and women doing shitty things to celebrities.

You braced yourself as you heard a bunch of cameras clicking and you felt sickness rise up your throat. Taking photos and videos of yourself was something you'd always hated. Unless it had a snapchat filter on, you weren't bloody taking it. The same went with looking in the mirror.

Your breathe got raspy and breathing irregular. Elizabeth stopped walking ahead and instantly wrapper her arm around your shoulder.

Wait, what? I beg your fucking pardon... She's wra-

Don't gay panic. Don't gay panic...

"Lizzie, do you agree with the casting of marvel characters lately?"

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