Chapter 21: Operation musical MILFS

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Y/N's POV:

Are you serious?" Lizzie's voice raised ever so slightly in surprise next to you.

You'd both spent the past 3 hours delving through 2 Broke Girls series, laughing and talking at the same time. It was a rather good downtime for the both you, especially with Elizabeth's hangover. It felt like you two were really bonding now.

However, just as you were both diving into yet another episode of the series almost falling asleep practically on each other, Lizzie's phone began ringing causing you both to jump up rather fast. It startled you as you were in fact half asleep, basking in the comfort you felt at the current moment. It read that Scar was ringing Liz, which you expected out of checking  up on the younger woman to make sure all was well.

At hearing Lizzie's surprised tone you sat yourself further up raising an eyebrow at her in question as she glanced at you. Noticing your curiosity, she turned the phone on speaker as you heard Scar's voice come through the speaker with excitement.

"Scarlett, can you repeat yourself for Y/N/N please?" Elizabeth's was laced with utter amusement and you could hear Alice giggling on the other end, making you realise she was with Scarlett.

Oh god only knows what these two shits have planned or in mind.

"Karaoke night," Scar said simply, causing your eyes to widen and your eyebrows to shoot up.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Karaoke night." She repeated as though it was the most natural sentence to come out with.

You glanced at Elizabeth with confusion and surprise and she simply shook her head, confirming she didn't know about this. By the looks of it she didn't look too eager about going to this Karaoke night, which gave you some relief.

"Scar.. I'm not sure," you started to explain however she cut you off before you could carry on the sentence.

"Listen, we've had a stressful few days lately. I don't mean to sound cliche as hell, but we need to "bond," as Rose will sometimes say to me," this made you giggle a little earning a rather incredulous look from miss grumpy pants next to you, only making you roll your eyes further.

"So what's that got to do with karaoke night?"

The fact you were warming up to the idea of karaoke night was almost comical. You were intrigued though, you'd heard Scarlett sing and were pretty convinced after hearing Liz sing in the kitchen once or twice she had a beautiful voice too. You on the other hand.. sounded like a strangle cat, but so did Alice so at least you can sound out of tune together.

"Well, I read somewhere... singing helps the body to get out every emotion," you almost snorted at that.


"I just think it would be funny okay? You cannot tell me you wouldn't enjoy it. It would be me, you Liz and Alice over at perhaps my place as Rose is at her dad's for a couple of days. It would be a laugh," she sounded almost like she was practically begging and you could feel the puppy dog eyes through the screen.

You huffed and glanced at Liz who had crossed her arms in a cute stubborn way. It made you think of a child who didn't want to do something and you had the urge to bop her on the nose. You knew better than that though, she wasn't yours. You had to tell yourself that every single time to let yourself remember you had settled for her in your life in anyway possible as long even if it burned you from the inside out.

"Liz," you began and she instantly interrupted.

"No," she cut you off before you could even say another word.

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