Chapter 6: Don't touch her

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The alarm blared loudly throughout your room, echoing off the walls. It entered your dreams, jolting you awake instantly.
You groaned as you lazily looked felt for your phone eager to turn the damned thing off.

Your mind wasn't really focused so aimed to hit the snooze button, as you were still half-asleep barely remembering why you had an alarm set in the first place.

Then, you remembered.


You flung yourself up nearly smacking your head on the headboard out of pure stupidity and mainly because you remembered you were going out drinking tonight.

Specifically with Elizabeth Olsen and your best friend. You checked the clock, wiping away whatever sleep was left in your eyes as you stretched your body.

7:30pm. You'd slept a while but, you did need to get in some extra beauty sleep to cope with whatever the night had in store for you, which was worrying in itself.

Just as you were about to get up and prepare yourself to get dressed, your phone rang.
Reading the name "Lizzie" on your phone, you  found yourself unconsciously smiling and picked it up instantly.

"Hello," your voice was still groggy slightly from sleep.

"Hey dear, it's Lizzie!" You heard her voice clearly more energetic then your own speak through the phone.


"Yeah, I gathered. What's up Liz?" You laughed curiosity overcoming you instantly.

"Nothing, just making sure you're all still good for tonight?"

"Yeah, absolutely! I just woke up so bare with me and my confused mind, but yes I'll be there!"

There was a pause on the phone, as though Liz was processing what you'd said.

"You... You were asleep?" She questioned, her tone sounded... well you weren't even sure what that tone was.

"Yes, why?"

"Alone?" She questioned you, and you felt a wave of confusion hit you once more.

Why does she need to know whether you were alone or not?

The fuck?

"Umm, yes? Are you okay do you need help?"

Your voice was laced with concern and a hint of confusion. This woman, she seemed to have so many layers to her. Perhaps that's what makes a person but that's hardly the point right now- she was just so confusing and interesting.

Good god, get a grip.

"Yes, sorry I just was confused and wasn't sure if I disturbed anything," her voice seemed to deceive the way she thought though.

Interesting, but you wouldn't push the situation further. Besides, you had to go and get your ass ready to arrive on time at the Cherry Tree Lane.

"Well, if you're sure I'll see you later, Olsen," you muttered down the phone, however the silence that followed made you stop in your tracks.

It wasn't necessarily the silence that confused you but the choking noise that followed.

What on god's green bloody earth of lemons and grass was going on today?

"Yes! I'll see you later don't be late."
However, you didn't really have much time to respond as she ended the call instantly.
Weird, but you didn't dwell on it too much. You did however, run to your closet to see what you needed to dress into.

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