Chapter 25: Driving to Reality

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(Bit short today, I'll make up for it in the upcoming chapter's.. Cough yes I mean exactly what I mean.)
Y/N's POV:

To say you were ready to drown your best friend, was a tad bit of an understatement. You and Lizzie had woken up the following day wrapped up in each other's arms. It felt utterly right, like it was supposed to happen. Yet, you didn't know how to approach the topic with her. You couldn't exactly state, "Hey Lizzie we need to talk because I have a fat crush on you and it's killing me inside to not say anything!" No, that wouldn't be an amazing concept nor wording on your behalf.

So, instead you remained still and unmoving, too afraid to ruin the small but special moment you had going on. You remained silent basking in the warmth from her skin, Elizabeth's body heat and smell drifting gently towards you. What felt like hours was probably a mere few minutes until she herself stirred and you kept your eyes shut tight, afraid to open them.

Her breathe hitched slightly in your ear as you felt her come to her senses realising the position to which you were lying in. As you suspected, she slowly moved away shuffling slightly but silently in fear of waking you. You were met with cold air hitting you at once, the warm and cozy feeling leaving you allowing a sudden sadness and disappointment to succumb to.

You weren't dating her, you really needed to get a grip. It wasn't awkward that morning but nether of you mentioned the morning encounter. She essentially thought you were asleep the whole time and you didn't want to make the whole ordeal awkward so not a word was uttered about the situation. You sat down though, both of you wanting to look at the view one last time.

"Where else will we get a view like this huh?" She asked staring out at the view.

You hummed in response, your eyes fixated on the sun kissed mountains and the dew of the moors down below. The sky was slowly coming to morning as the sound of nature awoke with the pair of you. You'd found your own little escape. Your own mountain, both of you.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" You stated staring out at the sky and mountains letting out a sigh.

If you had turned your head just slightly to the left you'd have noticed she wasn't staring at the sky. Not at the mountains nor at the dewy grass that covered and buried the ground, nor at the birds. Her eyes, her mind and her soul, her body was fixated on you. Lizzie tilted her head to the sky smiling softly as she stared until she looked back at the sky responding in agreement.

"Yes. Yes it is."

The journey back was peaceful and silent, a few shared jokes and comments shared along the way. The silence was uncomfortable nor awkward just simple one with nature as you two felt the air hit you with warmth. You were trying to get signal on your phone to contact Alice, but so far your luck wasn't in favour.
That was until a shriek next to you scared the living crap out of you. Turning fast on your heels you saw Lizzie standing there wide eyed and smiling like an idiot.

"Lizzie what on earth?"

"Shh," she said in response causing you to raise an eyebrow at the older woman.

Instead of replying with what's going on, she simply pointed to a corner of the woods to which a deer held it's head up and staring. What the fuck is this? You watched as Elizabeth approached the deer slowly kneeling down to pet it slowly but surely. Expecting it to bolt, you prepared yourself but instead it simply approached her allowing her fingers to brush over its skin.

Alright fucking Snow White?

After what felt like a hours, it was probably minutes in all honesty if that the deer slowly disappeared back within the woods. She turned back to you and it took everything in you not to stumble back and gasp at her. The sun kissed her cheeks allowing her to practically glow and radiate strongly. Her hair drifted and danced through the wind, she looked utterly mesmerising. However, you'd clearly been staring like a tit for too long because her eyes danced with questions and curiosity as she tilted her head, allowing you to get a dark blush painting on your cheeks as it crept up your neck.

"Are you okay?" She questioned softly, even her voice was delicate and it was intoxicating.

"Y-Yeah, sorry I saw something," you lied through your teeth but her smirk only grew causing your blush to deepen.

She didn't say anything though, just smirked at you as though she knew. Perhaps she did, you two were dancing around the truth too scared to come into a hold and mould yourselves together into one perfect dance, perfect puzzle. Instead you both knew the truths deep down you just needed to find the right time to express it.

You both carried on with the walk back, you were to apprehensive to say anything about the embarrassing and shameful staring you did towards Elizabeth and she simply was enjoying it too much. You were grateful when your phone bar showed signal even if it was slightly as it meant you had a slim chance of ringing Alice.

"I've got a signal," your voice filled the cold air excitement in your tone.

Lizzie reciprocated the excitement by hugging you out of surprise. You of course, felt the warmth fill your body and wrap around you instantly allowing you to reciprocate the embrace. Pulling her closer, you wished you could stay like this for a while with nobody to question or see. Just you in the depths of nature with only each other's company. Yet, this isn't a rom-com film or some ridiculous fairytale story so that couldn't happen as much as you wished it to do so.

Pulling away from each other you scrolled through your phone finding Alice's contact number. You huffed in frustration knowing she definitely planned this whole ordeal. (Even if you did enjoy the past day.)

It rang 2 times and you prayed she'd answer and to your luck, Al did in fact answer the phone call.

"Y/N/N, how are you?!" She said in a way too cheery tone for your liking. God she was a shit, but you did decide to be friends with her years ago.

"Alice, I'm going to murder you," you began earning a laugh from the other side of the phone.

"What for? I only simply sent you on an adventure," she stated.

Fuck off.

"You better be on your way to pick us up you little-" Unfortunately for you, Lizzie snatched the phone before you got to finish that sentence.

She simply rolled her eyes at you wearing a shit eating grin before talking to Alice. They exchanged laughs and jokes about god knows what until Lizzie's eyebrows rose in surprise and her nose scrunched up adorably.

"Yeah, okay see you in a minute, bye!" She turned to look at you and you tilted your head in confusion.

"They're already here waiting for us," Lizzie said causing you to be surprised yourself.

Both of you drank the rest of your water heading towards the opening of the woods where Alice and Scar patiently sat waiting. Scar reeled the passenger car window down shouting at you both.

"Were going for dinner bitches, get in the car. I hope you two kept it in your pants," she reeled the window back up before ether of you could retaliate against the comment.

You didn't dare make eye contact with Elizabeth your face flushing wildly. You heard her mumble something that sounded like "Not yet," you almost fell into the car on that comment. There's no way she just fucking said that.

"So," Alice began driving off and you stared out the car window in fear of even looking towards Lizzie or Scarlett right now.

"How was the hike?"

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