Chapter 27: Nothing is Everything

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Your POV:

You watched as the hand gently drifted over your leg. Lizzie's hand squeezed slightly once more, before sipping on her own drink allowing you to get lost in your thoughts once more. How long would this be going on for exactly?

You noticed the glancing looks between Scarlett and Lizzie, Scar looking at the older woman in a questioning manner while the latter stared back with an unreadable expression. Lizzie was giving her a silent warning, one you wouldn't wish to be on the receiving end for at all, but it didn't stop you from wondering why. What was all of this anyway?

Elizabeth Olsen was a confusing woman that's for sure. It's not like you weren't confusing yourself though. You were confused with the way her touches made you feel. The oncoming game the pair of you played and danced around. Part of you thrived for it, longed for the challenges and the way you felt fire dance through you. Yet, part of you wanted you to do something. Just one of the two of you to act upon it.

Yet for some reason you both didn't. You yourself wanted to, but the feeling of rejection. Not only perhaps would she not reciprocate it, which you questioned now though. What if she thought it was just a simple game? Nothing more and nothing less than a harmless thing to prance around until one gave in. For you it wasn't harmless.

You knew that much as you swirled the deep red wine around the rim of the glass before swigging the final part of it. Alice had ordered your meal in advance seemingly knowing you and what you'd order all too well in her mind.

She'd ordered you a Strozzapreti Pesto Rosso pasta dish, with a small sprinkle of cheese delicately finishing the dish perfectly. You'd had it all the time as a kid, it reminded you of childhood memories. The ones that mattered that was. Lizzie on the other hand, had Cacio e Pepe, with a side of spicy wedges.

She kept having to slap your hand away in a joking manner as your temptation to constantly stealing the wedges was there. In reality, you just thrived on the fuzzy feeling you got whenever you two teased each other, nether of the two backing down.

Alice being the ever adventurous girl, ordered a simple Burger that was deliciously placed with melted cheese, tomato finished with a burger sauce and baby gem. Scarlett was a little more adventurous than your friend and had Thai spiced chicken chicken skewer with fuck knows what as a side since you couldn't even pronounce the name.

(No I'm not a chef, I just googled my closest restaurant's menu and went off it. Copyright for the Lizzie come and eat restaurant!)

As you tucked into your meals, Alice and Scarlett decided to ask of your night much more in depth than the car journey. On the way back, both yourself and Lizzie were too exhausted, mentally and physically to really make much conversation.

Sure, you'd be polite enough to respond, but it would only be simple sentences. Even those came to a halt when the pair of you had fallen asleep resting on one another's shoulder. The look Alice and Scarlett gave you both when you left the car on the other hand, made you question just what they'd discussed while you and the older actress had been asleep.

"Did you two genuinely enjoy the trip," Alice asked trying not to throw too much of a teasing tone into her voice.

You rolled your eyes ready to respond with some snarky comment at your best friend, but the hand that had snaked its way now on your inner thigh caused you to almost inhale the rest of your pasta dish.

"We did thank you Alice, we went swimming and eventually found a lovely place to camp after settling down," there was something in Lizzie's tone that you couldn't place but you loved it.

That being said, you were trying not to choke on the rest of your food with her hand being there. What was this woman playing at? You knew full well now, she was indulging in on whatever game you two seemed to enjoy playing. It was like fucking buckaroo, the only difference being if she didn't stop with the handsy movements you'd be buckarooing out your seat.

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