Chapter 13: Strawberries and feelings

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The fields looked mesmerizing and absolutely incredible you noticed as Lizzie pulled into the car park. You noticed it seemed a little busy, but mainly with family's taking their kids for the first time or just on a little outing. It was cute, but you worried Liz would be noticed. It wasn't like she wasn't a big ass celebrity.

Glancing over at her, you noticed her pulling on a pair of big sunglasses and you literally couldn't refrain the laughter that slipped passed your lips. It wasn't that the glasses didn't suit her, it was simply that it wasn't the most sunniest of days. It wasn't gloomy by any means, but it wasn't exactly sunglasses type of weather.

Raising an eyebrow at you, she shoved you slightly jokingly. You tilted your head playfully to the side, before opening the car door eagerly, dying to start strawberry picking straight away. Wow, you really were like a puppy let loose of its leash.

"Are you okay there puppy," Liz joked over at you laughing.

"Look, I'm excited! I've always wanted to do this and now I get to. Besides are you over there with your glasses on looking like a secret spy," you teased back.

She rolled her eyes playfully, locking the car making sure to grab her purse before you began to walk towards the entrance.

"Oh, shut up, Y/N. You know why I'm wearing them, besides I look divine," she wiggled her eyebrows causing you to snort and roll your eyes.

As you got to the entrance, Liz pointed out the baskets for you to pick up questioning whether you were supposed to pay. It appeared she'd been out strawberry picking before, but you weren't too sure. Elizabeth explained how you paid for the strawberries and other fruits at the end of picking and they were weighed and priced up.

You nodded understanding, but you couldn't keep still in honesty. You kept bouncing from one foot to the other your body jittering with an excitement you'd expect to see in children. You weren't bothered though, it's not like you knew anyone here aside from Liz, who seemed to find it adorable actually.

As you picked up the basket, Liz guided you through the crowds until you reached an opening and all you could see was fields. Your eyes glowed with happiness as you took in the view before anything else. Turning your head towards Lizzie she grinned at you and you grinned back like the Cheshire cat.

She walked you down each little field and you wanted to stop and pick every single strawberry, but apparently that wasn't possible. Not just because well, there were other people picking too but because not all of them were ripe.

"How exactly do you pick the best strawberries Liz?"

She didn't respond straight away at first, guiding you to what looked like a patch of strawberries. By closer inspection they looked rather ripe, actually no. They were extraordinarily ripe and looked fucking mouth watering to be honest. These one's you were both stood next to, were easily better than any of the other's you'd walked past prior.

She stopped you, urging you to kneel down and at first you were hesitant. Liz looked up at you huffing, dragging you down by your arm, almost causing you to fall over. Your hands reached in front of you, stopping you from falling and you glared at her. She smirked just shrugging, before pointing at the Strawberries stem.

"So, when strawberry picking, it's important to know which one's to pick. I know it seems self-explanatory, don't pick the green ones only ripe. However, the strawberries need to be plump and firm too not just ripe. If you pick it green, or not fully ripe they don't continue to ripe. They're not like tomatoes or other fruits and vegetables in that sense, dear."

If there was thing you loved listening to, it was Lizzie explaining and rambling about gardening, whether it was planting, how to take care of things or just generally explaining things to you. Your stomach flittered with emotions, ones that you weren't even sure you understood. The emotions just danced around in a way you couldn't place, just felt.

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