Adam Page-Drunk and Tired

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Parring: 'Hangman' Adam Page x Reader

Warnings: Fluff

Word Count: 1,373

Summary: You and Adam celebrate after having amazing matches and end up cuddling . You two just want to be in each others embraces so you fall asleep.

A/N: It wasn't supposed to be this long but hope you Enjoy


You and Adam had great matches tonight. Adam just won the Casino Ladder Match and you were happy for him. Although your match wasn't as important it helped you move to rank number 4 in the women's division so you both achieved something special and how do you two celebrate?


What better way to celebrate than beer? Drinking an ice cold beer or even shots of Vodka or Tequila. You two decided to meet up in the parking lot after taking a shower and getting your bags ready. You were currently walking to the parking lot with your bags on your shoulders.

As you stood there waiting for Adam you scrolled through Twitter and saw how many retweeted about Adam winning the Ladder Match and how Moxley should of won but you didn't care because guess who walked out with the chip in his hand. HANGMAN ADAM PAGE!

You smiled as you read all the comments on how people were arguing over who was better. You didn't even realize Adam standing next to you. "You ready?" His voice made you jump. "Gosh, Adam! You scared me!" You said holding your hand on you chest.

Adam laughed and it made you get butterflies. You and Adam have been friends for a very long time and you've always had feelings for him but tried brushing it off because of you're careers. He was getting popular as he came in AEW and you were slowly rising to the top and knowing Tony, he would probably put y'all in a storyline against Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti or something.

It's not that you don't want to date Adam but you feel like he's into his career and not looking for a relationship. When Dark Order  member's try setting him up on dates he would say he's not 'Looking for someone right now.' He said it everytime, so he would most likely say that to you.

"Y/n? You ok?" Adam broke you out of your thoughts. "Yea I'm fine and I'm ready." You we're kind of happy because of hearing the concern of his voice. "Ok let's go." You two happily made your way to his truck and he opened the trunk.

He put his bags in watched as you tried lifting your up. "No. You don't do that go get in the car." He pushed you near the passengers side and grabbed the bags of your hand and placed them in the trunk.

You didn't stop the smile from forming in your face at how a gentleman he was being. As Adam got in the car he saw the smile on your face. "What's got you smiling like that for?" He started up the car and began to drive. "Just thinking about you."

You weren't gonna hid anything other than your feeling from Adam. "Good or bad?" He looked over at you. "All good." Silence filled the car as the low volume of the radio playing. "I saw your match." Adam said  breaking the silence. "You did? How did I do?" You two would always give feedbacks on how y'all did in matches.

"Great but the only thing you need to do is watch the knees when doing you're frog splash." You nodded your head, taking notes as he told you what was wrong. You pulled in the bar and Adam parked the car.

"You ready to celebrate?" He unblocked his seat belt. "Yup but make sure you don't drink so much. I don't wanna drive." Adam laughed and rolled his eyes. "Darling do you not know who I am?" Darling. When he called you that it made you wish he would call you that eveyday.

Shaking your head you unbuckled your seat belt and walked to the door. As you and Adam stepped a foot inside you saw all the people dancing, singing karaoke, drinking, eat, and all. You and Adam went to a table in the corner.

"Drinks on me!" Adam said before you even sat down. You couldn't argue because you knew he wouldn't give up until he paid. "Fine but next time I got it." Adam laughed loud. "Sure we'll see." A waiter came over. "Hey Adam and Y/n what can I get y'all?" Adam was at the bar so many times the workers knew who he was and what he liked.

You didn't go often but they knew you because Adam talked about you. (But you didn't need to know that.) "Yea just some Beer for us." Adam wanted to start off easy and not go straight to liquor. The waiter Joey went back to get the beer. "Your match was amazingly. I was hoping you would win." You stared off a conversation.

"Oh yeah? You we're rooting for me and not Moxley?" He sounded a little surprise. You loved Jon, especially when he was Dream Ambrose so when you say it was Adam vs Jon lastly you were in the edge of your chair. "Of course I was but you are my best friend. You've been there for me in ways Moxley could never."

Adam smiled at that statement. "Here are your drinks." Joey came with 4 beers. He knew better than to just give Adam 1. Whatever you wouldn't drink Adam would finish. "Thanks Joe." Joey nodded and walked off to another table.

You took a sip of the beer and hmmed. Meanwhile, Adam took gulps after gulped and next thing you knew, it was all gone. "Damn Adam!" You giggled. "What? I love beer!" Judging by the way he drunk that he isn't have to tell you.

You two sat there watching people do karaoke and evening clapping when someone actually sounded sober. You drink half of your first drink and felt like you had to pee. "Imma go to the bathroom." You got up and went to the bathroom.

You did your business and washed your hands. You walked back to the table and was surprised to see Your beer gone. "Adam why? I was gonna drink that!" You whined, sitting down. "I'm sorry it was just staring at me, begging me to drink them." You couldn't even be mad at him.

"I'll buy you some later but now we've drink 4 beers so it's time for a little liquor." Yeah 'we've' drunk. You barley got 1 down. Adam called for Joey and he came. "Can you get us 2 shots of Hennessy and Vodka? Only fill it half way though." Of course he chooses those type drinks. You hope he could still drive after done with those.

Joey disappeared again and came back with the shots.  Adam handed you the Cheers to winning our matches." Adam toasted while clinging your glasses together. "Cheers." You smiled while drinking it. That smile was dropped off your face when tasting the strong drink. 

Adam gulped it down without any other drink. "Drink it all." You shook your head. It was just too strong for you to handle. "Come on, if your drink that one we can go home." It was getting a little late and you we're a little tired so you drunk it all in one swing. You coughed as the burning sensation went down your throat.

Adam drunk the rest of the drinks and left money n the table. He took your hand and guided you through the crowd of dancing people. You two made it outside and entered the car. You both were sober enough to drive so Adam started driving to his house.

It wasn't far from the bar so it didn't take but 10 minutes. As you pulled through the driveway you were fighting sleep. You heard Adam's  door open and close. Your door opened and you felt arms wrap around you. "Come on Y/n" Adam mumbled, carrying you bridal style to the door.

Adam opened the door and kicked it with his feet and made his way to his bedroom. He took off your shirt and jeans and his jeans knowing you would never sleep in jeans. You slowly went under the covers and cuddled up in Adams side.

You wish every day could be like this, but you didn't care. All you cared about was you and Adam cuddling.

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