Adam Cole-I Want You, Not Her

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Pairing: Adam Cole x Insecure!Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Body Shaming, Cursing, Cyberbullying, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fingering, Fisting, Soft!Adam Cole. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 1,657

Summary: Adam's fans push your ending point, but Adam's there to show you that he wants you.

A/N: Hope You Enjoy!


The on screen relationship between Adam and Britt was something you weren't used to. Even though they came out as 'dating' it wasn't true. Adam wasn't in love with Brit, he loved you and their relationship was only for the camera, but it still didn't sit right with you.

You weren't a wrestler, so you weren't really known until Adam showed you to the world. At first you thought it was gonna be good, until you started getting messages. Messages from his fans saying how ugly you were and how Adam should really be with Britt and you tried not to think about that, but everyday you got a constant reminder every hour.

Today was no different from the other. Adam was at the arena doing his thing with Britt while you sat at home, watching in sadness. You wanted to be the one to hold his hand. You wanted to be able to kiss him on the cheek in front of millions, but with his work and fans, you knew it would be impossible.

Your phone vibrated with messages you knew what to say. You don't know why, but you unlocked it. Messages from Twitter popped up as people told you to lose weight or to just break up. You closed Twitter and went to Instagram, looking at the comments from your last post.

It was a picture of you and Adam backstage, after his return. The comments flooded with, classics saying, 'They shouldn't be together' and 'Britt is the better girlfriend', but what really got you was a comment that said, 'For everyone saying, 'there need to break up' just waited because it's only a matter of time where Adam leaves her at her lowest point and she will be broken like we want her to be.'

The comment got you thinking. They took the time to write that and go into detail. And it got you thinking, that maybe they were right. You have gained 47 pounds since you first got together back in his WWE days. Maybe he's faking love with you and is waiting for the right moment.

The thoughts came over you as you walked to the mirror. You began pinching your fat and rubbing your hands over your face. Everything about your body was ugly. It was time for a change. You walked to the draw, grabbed leggings and a sports bra, before going to the gym. You 're gonna work out, go on a diet, and push yourself to be better.
It's been a couple of weeks of doing your 'change' and it's safe to say, it's a lot harder than it looks like. You get out of breath easily, the food hasn't been enough, to the point where you don't eat at all, and comments have gotten worse. Adam also noticed the change in you and thought maybe you were doing it for yourself, but he started noticing other things.

You blocked him on social media so he couldn't see your posts and comments, you are always out the house at the gym, and he never sees you eat anymore. Every time he asks you what you've eaten, you say something he knows is not true. He was getting tired of not being able to sleep with you, without you pushing him away or leaving to go to the gym.

He wanted to hold you and cuddle you like he used to, so today he was gonna confront this issue. He came home early after his training got canceled, due to the trainer getting sick. He walked in the house, unannounced not knowing that you were here until he walked to your shared room.

The crack in the door was just enough for him to see you, in front of the mirror, pinching your belly. You heard sniffling and saw you looking at your body with your phone in hand. Adam couldn't take it anymore, seeing his baby cry. He walked through the door, scaring you as you saw him through the mirror.

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