
2.1K 33 4

Pairing: MJF x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Angst/Fluff!

Word Count: 1,264

Summary: You and Max usually argue 24/7, but when he catches you crying, his emotions change fast.

A/N: First time writing for Max and I made him a big protective softie! Sorry it's so long! Hope You Enjoy!


MJF was an asshole and everyone knew that.

It didn't matter who you were. Fans, Boss, Family, he didn't care because he was still an asshole and ever since you joined AEW he was no different to you, but worse.

Some may say it's because he is jealous that you're the top woman of the company, but it might be because you almost have the same attitude as him.

Stubborn and ignorant, so when arguing with him, it's fun.

You walked down the hall, going to your boyfriend's locker room. You're currently dating Sammy for almost a year now and you're completely in love with him. He's supported you through everything and you did the same for him.

You struggled to open the door, but once you did you called out for him. "Sammy, I'm here!" You didn't get any response which made you confused. He texted you 10 minutes before you got to the arena that he was in the locker room.

"Babe?" You walked around the corner only to see a sight that would break your heart. Sammy was fucking Tay on the couch. Your mouth was agape as you watched. You were frozen, it was like you couldn't move.

You came out of your trance when Tay noticed you, making Sammy jump off her. "B-baby, it's not what you think!" Your eyes burned as blurriness came to your vision.

The man you loved was having sex with some other girl. "Why! Why would you do this, Sammy?!" You were yelling and you didn't care who heard. You put everything into him, just for him to act like y'all were nothing. It wasn't even a week after your anniversary he did this.

Tay was in the background, rushing to get her clothes. "It's not my fault! Look, we can forget about all of this." You laughed, hearing Sammy trying to reason with you. "What do you mean forget about this? You. Fucked. Another. Women!"

Sammy rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, don't act like you haven't fucked anyone while we were dating. It was probably that MJF guy." You squint your eyes at him. Did he really think you would cheat on him after everything you've both been through.

Sammy just stood there with a smile on his face, seeing how mad you were getting."Are you serious Sammy! I've put everything into this relationship just for you to cheat on me with that bitch." Tay looked offended, but didn't say anything, scared for her own safety. "I would've never cheated on you if you gave me sex! You're always at the gym or messing around with Max, like when I need my dick wet, you're supposed to be here."

You couldn't believe this man and how he was talking about you. You were completely done with him. "Don't ever call me again, don't text me, don't look at me, don't even think about me. We're over!"

You walked away, letting sniffles out your nose and grabbing your bags. "Yeah, run away like you always do." You heard Sammy call around the corner, following something along the lines, 'Come on Tay, let's get back to what we were doing.'and then moaning from Tay.

You didn't even want to be in the room anymore, so you walked out.

You didn't know where you were going, but you didn't care. All you knew is that you were going far away from that locker room. You sped walked, ignoring all the questions and calls from your friends and staff members. It was until you bumped into something, making you almost fall.

You caught yourself just in time. "Woah, watch where you're going, hothead." You knew exactly who that was from the voice. "Maxwell, I'm not in the mood right now." You avoided Max's eyes, holding your face down.

You tried walking around him, but Max went in the same direction. "Max, I'm not joking." Max only smiled, hearing your voice get louder. There's the fight he was looking for. "Why are you so grumpy? Are you on York period or something?" He joked, laughing.

Your head shot up fast, revealing your face. "I said leave me alone!" You pushed past him rushing out the door. The image of your face couldn't get out of Max's mind. Your bloodshot eyes, red cheeks, with clear lines streaming down your face, the way you winced when you yelled.

So many things were going through his mind. You, out of anyone, were crying? Everyone saw you as a tuff head. The best heel in the company, but friendly backstage and to fans.

Max instantly took off after you, fast as you walked to your car. "Y/n!" Hearing his voice only made you rush faster. You were fumbling with the keys in your pocket. Max actually ran to you, trapping you against your car and his body.

You only held your head down "What's going on? Why are you crying?" You took in his tone. For the first time ever Max was being nice. You waited for your response, while brushing some of your hair back to fully see your face.

You attempted to push him back, but it didn't do much considering how weak your body felt. "Why do you care? You just want to start an argument." Max started shaking his head in denial. "I'm serious, what's wrong?"

You studied his face, looking for anything else, but all you saw was true concern. "Sammy. He cheated on me and-" Max stepped back, in shock. "He cheated on you? With who?" You chuckled thinking about Tay. "Tay Conti." Max looked surprised . "Wow, he really downgraded, instead of upgrading."

You looked at Max confused as to why he was acting nice. "Why did he cheat on you?" You word tears from your face. "Because I was working too hard and messing around with you and he didn't get sex."

Max only shook his head. "He's a dumbass. Giving you up because you are working hard, he should be happy because you are the one bringing in all the money." You agree with him, finally making eye contact. He was having a normal conversation with you for the first time.

"I can't believe I wasted everything into him, just for him to cheat on me." More tears came to vision, but before they could fall, Max grabbed you into his chest, engulfing you in a hug. Being in his arms felt so good. Strong, safe, secure, everything Sammy didn't make you feel.

You held on tight to his jacket, while Max looked shocked. He couldn't believe himself. He doesn't know why he did this and he doesn't even know how to comfort you.

His hands ghosted over your body, not touching you. "W-what do I do?" You only pulled him closer to you, burying your face into his chest. "Don't let me go." And Max did just that. You both sat there in the parking lot holding each other.

You both heard voices coming only to reveal Dark Order. They froze in place when they saw you tucked into Max's chest. Max whispered something, threatening them, but all they did was mouth, 'Softie.' Before leaving.

Max pulled you back and suggested y'all go to his hotel room for privacy.

That night you both sat in the comfort of his hotel room, talking like y'all were friends. It was almost like you were dating.

Max would never admit it, but when it comes to you, he gets a little soft.

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