Hook- Braided Hair

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Parring: Hook x Reader

Warnings: Fluff

Word Count: 1,021

Summary: You convince Hook to let you braid his hair and Fans go crazy about the outcome.

A/N: Just a short oneshot for Hook. Hope You Enjoy!


You were in Team Taz's locker room waiting for Hook to finish getting ready. Ricky and Hobbs were in the catering talking to Taz about the upcoming match and you decided to wait back for Hook. He came out in his ring gear but that wasn't what caught your attention.

It was his hair.

Ever since you met Hook it was a big pet peeve. It just looked so tangled and messy. It looked like hair for when you just wake up in the morning. "Hook come here." He turned around and made his way over to you. "Sit." You pointed at the floor while spreading your legs.

He sat down and rested his back on the couch. "Can I do your hair?" He thought for a second. He's never gotten his hair done since he was a teenager. Usually he would put a hoodie on and call it a day. He shook his head No and tried getting up but you grabbed his worst causing him to look at you.

"Please?" You put on your puppy dog eyes and poured your lip a little. "No." He answered this time. "Please I promise this is the last time I'll ask." This wasn't the first time you've asked him if you could play with his hair or style it. "Fine." That one word made you smile and hug him.

He might be mad but he still hugged back. "Ok sit on the floor." You sat back on the couch and pointed in between your legs. He sat down and closed his eyes, waiting for you to get started. You tried running your hands through his hair but it got stuck midway. You left a sign and went to your bag and got a brush.
You tried brushing it and went through a little.

"Gosh you don't ever brush this, do you?" He shrugged his shoulders and you went back to brushing. You brushed and brushed through until you made a good patch. Even though while you were brushing it sounded like someone eating chips you made progress.

"I'm gonna braid it now, okay?" He nodded his hair and you separated 3 strands. You braided it surprisingly well. You just braided the side because you knew he would NEVER let you do his whole head. "Done!" He took out his phone and went to the camera. You could see his face the same. Lips in a straight line and his eyes looking at his hair.

You were getting nervous because he was looking at it and not saying anything. "I-if you don't like it, I can t-take it out." He shook his head no. "It's fine." You smiled and jumped into his arms. The door opened and Ricky and Hobbs walked in.

"Hey man, you almost rea-" He stopped mid sentence at the sight he saw. He saw Hook with one side of his hair braiding, you hugging him and smiling. Everyone thought you two were dating but this, this right here was something else's. Hobbs was quick to take out his phone and snap a picture.

You looked over confused at Ricky's facial expression. "Come one guys, Taz gotta see this." Rocky walked out laughing and smiling while Hobbs was in the process of posting the picture on his twitter and instagram.

You and Hook looked at each other but didn't say anything. As you were walking into the catering you could see people giving looks at Hook. Entering the catering Taz sat there on his phone. "Yo Taz come look at you son." Ricky was loud. Even pulling the attention of others. Hook and you walked through and Taz's eyes popped out they're socket. "Y-you, you." Taz couldn't believe it.

One side of Hook's hair looked messy, frizzy, and tangled but the other side looked clean, straightish and neatly raided. Taz got up from his seat and turned Hook to the side. "Who did this to you?" Hook pointed at you and you stood there smiling. "Me! He finally let me touch his hair!" You sounded so excited.

Someone called you guys up and you made your way to the entrance place. Taz stopped him. "Wait, you're going out there like that?" Hook shook his head and he went for his match.

As soon as he went out fans noticed the besided hair. Taz took a seat at the announcement table and put the mic on while You, Rick, and Hobbs accompanied him at ringside. Excalibur was first to say something about it. "What? Hook's hair is braided. Do you think he did that?"

Taz shook his head no. "Nope, it was all Y/n." Fans couldn't believe what they were seeing. Everyone is so used to seeing his hair look wild and going in different directions but not today. Hook had him his match, making sure he didn't mess up the braise and even touched it a couple of times to check if it was still one piece.

He finished his match making the man tal because quickly exited the ring and walked back up the ramp. As Hook went to the locker room to take a shower you sat on the couch and scrolled through instagram. You looked under the tending tag and saw the picture of you hugging Hook.

It looked like something out of a movie where a couple is smiling while looking into each other's eyes. Fans were going crazy and commenting things like: 'Omg just kiss already.' And 'Does this mean they're dating?' There are many more but we don't have to talk about them.

You noted yourself to yell at Hobbs when you see him.

Hook came out in a kiddie and sweats and saw you going crazy. "Omg! Look! Hobbs posted a picture of us. I'm gonna so kill him." Just then the door opened and in came Hobbs. "You." You pointed at him. "I'm gonna kill you." He already knew what you were talking about so he made a run for it.

You ran out the door and started chasing him, leaving a smiling Hook in the room. He's always had a crush on you but you don't need to know that.


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