Malakai Black-Ferris Wheel

985 16 0

Pairing: Malakai Black x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,179

Summary: You and your husband, Malakai go in the Ferris Wheel, but he doesn't know your scared of heights, so he comforts you.

A/N: Sorry if this sucked. I don't know what it's like to have a fear of heights. Hope You Enjoy!


When being married to Malakai, you would think there's nothing to be afraid of. I mean, everyone knows who Malakai Black is and judging by his appearance and how aggressive he is on TV, you're well protected, but there is one thing you're scared of and that's heights.

Ever since you were little, you hated height. You hated when your Dad would pick you up and swing you in the air like an airplane, you hated jumping off the couch, just everything that involved your feet off the ground, you hated it. And after all those years, you've never got over it.

You never got over your fear of heights and you haven't told Malakai because it's embarrassing to be a full grown adult and married to someone like Malakai and to be scared of heights. So, when he mentioned something about going to a carnival, without thought, you said yes.

You waited all week for it and the day has come. You two walked through the carnival, holding hands while eating cotton candy. You enjoyed yourself, riding a rollercoaster, doing bumper cars, and many other games. You looked around at everything, missing the way Malakai looked at the Ferris Wheel.

It was so y'all in the sky, light shining round around each seat, it was beautiful. "Love?" You turned around looking at him with a mouth full of cotton candy. "Can we do the Ferris Wheel? Just once and then we can leave." You looked at him and then looked at the Wheel. It was high.

Very high and a little too high for your likings, but you didn't want him to think of you as a pussy. "Yeah, sure. Just let me finish my cotton candy and then we can go." You somewhat leveled your voice, to make it sound like you were okay.

You slowly ate the candy, taking your time, trying to get more time on the ground before you die. The more Malakai looked at the Ferris Wheeler, the funner it seemed and every time he looked at you, you were nowhere done with the candy.

Malakai grabbed in and took it off the stick, shoving it in your mouth. "There we go. Now we can go." He drug you towards the Wheel, getting in line. You nervously chewed on your lip as the like got shorter and shorter with you and Malakai being at the front.

The man opened the door and you let Malakai help you in. You wish you could just tell you didn't want to too, but it was too late when you heard the door snap shut and the pod start to move up, letting the next people in. You already hated it and you weren't even 4 feet off the ground.

You looked out the window, seeing the pod rise into the air. You tried distracting yourself, bouncing your leg up and down, humming an old song, and squeezing the teddy bear Malakai got you earlier, but nothing worked. It was like your head was a magnet to the outside, with your head turning to look out the window, getting scared every time.

Before you knew it, you were on the top of the Ferris Wheel. Malakai admired the high view from outside. It was quiet as the Wheel stopped for a few moments until Malakai heard your whimpers and they weren't whimpers from when he had sex with you, they were whimpers of pain.

His head snapped to you, seeing you hold the Bear so tight, your fingertips were turning white. He noticed the fast rise and fall of your chest as you looked outside. That's when he knew you were scared. "Liefde?" (My Love) Malakai reached his hand out for you, only to be met with you flinching back and crying harder.

"Hey, it's alright. It's me." His soft voice would be surprising to anyone, but you, but it wasn't working right now. All you could think about is how high you were. "Mijn Liefde, are you scared?" (My Love). You didn't answer, but you did nod your head, which was all he needed. "Can I get closer to you and touch you?" You scooted over a little, giving him a sign to come closer.

He slowly got closer to you and held you into his chest. You took in his scent, calming down slightly, until you heard a click and the feeling of the pod shake. You cried, gripping his shirt tightly, almost ripping it. Malakai silently cursed at himself trying to figure out a way to get you to stop and then he remembered.

"Baby, you wanna make a scenario with me?" Your ears perked at his words. You nodded your head while buried deep in his neck. "Alright, imagine this. Me and you having a mixed tag match against who?" You thought for a second before answering. "Tay and Sammy."

You heard Malakai chuckled a little, making you smile. "Why them? I thought you were gonna say Adam and Britt." You shrugged your shoulders. "Someone needs to kick some sense into them and that could be us." Malakai began laughing, imagining him hitting a Black Mass on Sammy and Tay Conti getting beat by you.

"Okay, who would be the referee?" It was a hard pick between Aubrey and Bryce since they were your two favorites. "Uh, I would have to say Bryce because he's more gullible and blind." You and Malakai shared another laugh, but it made him smile even more, hearing your laugh. "I'm telling him that by the way."

You two were so caught up in making dream matches, you didn't notice that you were on the ground, until the door opened. Malakai was first to get out and held your hand, helping you out.

You both walked near the car, but didn't get in. "I'm sorry for not telling you about the height thing." Malakai wasn't mad at you, he was mad at himself for not asking a question like that. "You shouldn't be apologizing, I should." Malakai was curious to know why you didn't tell him.

"Why didn't you tell me you were uncomfortable with going on it? You know I wouldn't make you do anything you don't feel comfortable with." More guilt rose in you as Malakai sounded concerned.

"People used to make fun of me because of it, so when you asked to go, I felt selfish because we've been going on every ride I wanted to and the least I could've done was let you choose one." You avoided eye contact, picking at your nails as you spoke.

"Y/n, look at me." Your eyes focused on his as he held your hand, running his thumb over your fingers. "I'm your husband. I love you and even if you're scared of heights. I don't care." You felt better, knowing he didn't make fun of you. He placed a kiss on your lips and opened the car door for you, where you went home.

At least you won't have to go on the Ferris Wheel anymore."

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