Matt Jackson-New Bed

938 17 0

Pairing: Matt Jackson x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of Smut. Fluff!

Word Count: 733

Summary: After you and Matt break your bed, you go out to find a new one.

A/N: Another silly Matt fic. Hope You Enjoy!


You and Matt parked in front of Badcock's Furniture Store, sitting in silence. "Alright, when we get in there, you look for a new bed and I'll look for a couch." Matt furrowed his eyebrows. "Why do I have to look for a bed?" He whined, like a little kid.

"Because you were the one that broke it, now come on. I'm not tryna to be here all day." With a huff he opened the door and walked in behind you. As you looked at the beds near the back, memories from last night came to mind.

*Mini Flashback*

The way Matt's hips slammed into yours was sloppy. The wet sounds echoing around the room, as well as your moans and his groans would come unnoticed by your neighbors. You were in a missionary position, his head tucked in your neck, leaving wet kisses and hickeys down your neck for everyone to see.

One particular hard thrust came to you and one simple noise was heard.


You and Matt froze, your eyes wide in shock. "M-Matt, what was t-that." Matt looked on the edge of the bed, before a smirk formed on his lips. "Love, we just broke the bed." A blush came on your cheeks, while you tried hiding your face in his chest.

"Matt, we need to get off, before it gets worse!" You tried sitting up, but Matt pushed you back. "Oh I'm not done with you yet, this bed might be broken, but my dick isn't."

He started thrusting back in you, making you forget about the bed breaking. The slight cracking noise was still heard, but you were both too lost in pleasure.

*End Of Mini Flashback*

You pulled out your thoughts when Man came to view. "Ma'am, may I help you?" You shook your head, giving him your attention. "Yes, I'm looking for a couch. Maybe red?" The Man was quick to guide you to the varieties of red couch, while giving you details about them.

Meanwhile, Matt was feeling in all the beds and pillows he could, completely forgetting about why he was here. "Sir, do you need help?" The sound of a confused voice made Matt's eyes look up.

A well dressed lady was standing there, which was someone who worked there. "Oh, uh, I actually don't know what I'm doing here." The lady tilted her "You looking for a couch? Kitchen appliances, a bed-" Matt shot up, standing beside her. "Oh yeah, I'm looking for a bed because my girlfriends' broke."

The lady cocked an eyebrow, then shaking her head not wanting to know what y'all were doing. "We just want something strong and sturdy, but comfortable." The lady nodded her head and took him to the beds. "These are all we have. If you need me, let me know." She walked away and continued to help another customer.

Matt started testing out the beds, bouncing on them and rocking back n' forth, making sure they were good enough. When he sat in one specific bed, he found it so comfy, he ended up falling asleep.

You waved and gave a small smile. "Thank you, I might buy the 3rd one." You said to the Man before going off to find Matt. You found him jumping in the bed, like some hooligan fan. "Mathew, if you don't stop jumping on that bed, I swear to god!"

Matt sat down, smirking at you. "Are you crazy? Why are you jumping on this bed!?" Matt pulled you close so you were laying under him. "I was testing out the bed to see if it was sturdy enough, but now that you're here, we can test it out together." He pulled you down, and rolled on top of you.

All it took was one hump.


You silently cursed at Matt, wanting to kill him. "Matthew, you-" You couldn't even say anything, too shocked at what just happened. "Shit, I'm sorry love, let's just go before they call the cops." You and Matt hurried out of the store and into your car.

"Well so much for getting a new bed there." Matt shrugged his shoulders and put in his seatbelt. "Well at least we know they're not strong enough." You rolled your eyes and started up the car to go home to your broken bed.

Shopping for a new bed didn't go as planned after all.

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