Kris Statlander-

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Pairing: Kris Statlander x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,101
Summary: A prank with your girlfriend and her friends leads to 'friendly' drawing competitions.

A/N: First time writing for Kris because I was thinking about how much I miss her. Hope You Enjoy!


You and Kris quietly tiptoed through the door of the locker room of Best Friends. You sneakily continued top toeing over to Orange Cassidy, who was sleeping on the couch, while Kris went over to Chuck.

You both made eye contact and pulled out a black marker. You both began drawing things on Chuck and Orange's face.

You couldn't contain the giggles that slipped out your mouth. They were so gonna hate you two. You drew other orange things on his face such as carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and of course, a penis.

You drew a little mustache against his lips and turned to look at Kris who also littered Chuck's face with drawings. Kris was more skilled than you at drawing, so everything on Chuck's face looked like art.

You both met up in the middle of the room, eyeing Trent. "Alright, what do we do about him?." You whispered, making sure to not wake anyone up. "I'll hold him down, and you draw, then we switch." You both nodded and walked over to Trent.

Kris held a firm grip on Trent while you drew. Trent is the tallest out of the group and the biggest, which means he has more strength. Not to mention that sometimes he moves in his sleep. You laughed at your drawings thinking they were funny.

Soon you and Kris switched places, with you holding Trent down while Kris got to work. She drew on every place you didn't, making sure his face was filled more that the others. You both really wanted to get revenge at the trio because they exposed your relationship to the fans.

Y'all wanted to keep it a secret because you know how the fans would react. Whether that's positive or negative, but they still did it and your words were, 'We'll get revenge.' So here you and Kris are, drawing on their faces.

When you and Kris felt like you did enough to the 3 of them, y'all scurried out the door. Y'all peeked around the corner, watching as they slowly came out there slumber.

Chuck was first to wake up. He went to the bathroom to go pee like he did every match, but what he saw made him scream. "AHH!" Trent and Orange got up fast, rushing to the bathroom, thinking there was something wrong.

"What? What's wrong-" Trent stopped and looked at himself. All three of the men were covered with stupid drawings. Chuck checked his phone and swore he almost passed out. "Guys, we have a match in 5 minutes!" For once, Orange's eyes grew wide. He could got out looking like that. It would ruin his gimmick.

The boys quickly started splashing water on their faces, trying to get the marker off, but it wasn't coming off.

Oh did you forget to mention that y'all chose sharpie markers?

Yeah, you and Kris were kinda cruel when it came to pranks, but that's what makes y'all such a great couple. Y'all couldn't stop yourselves from laughing. I guess y'all laughed too loud because Trent noticed you both and instantly knew. "You two."

You and Kris ran down the hall, into the women's locker room. "Babe, that was priceless! Did you see their faces when they realized?" You and Kris kept laughing, but it was even funnier when you turned the TV on.

The boys went out, but you could see the black outline of the drawings, faded. Even Excalibur commented, 'What's that on the Best friends' face?' After they won the match, they didn't waste time getting backstage after doing the signature hug.

You and Kris stood near the locker room, smirking. "Good job out there, boys. Hey, what's that on your face?" You teased, before laughing. "You don't understand how hard it is to get this off my face. I've been scrubbing my face with a washcloth for 10 minutes straight, and still made NO progress!"

You and Kris looked at each other, trying not to laugh at Chuck's anger. "You're gonna pay. The both of you." Kris scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, sure, I would love to see you try."


After the long night of messing with BFs and having a match, you wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower and lay in bed with Kris. So that's what you did.

You and Kris took a relaxing shower and laid in bed, cuddled up while watching some old horror movie. You soon fell asleep with Kris chasing after you.

2:46 AM

That was the time for Chuck, OC, and Trent to sneak in your hotel room. They had a card just in case for emergencies, so that came in handy. They walked over to you and Kris's sleeping. Your was was curled in Kris's neck while her head was buried in your hair.

It was gonna be a chalice to move you two, but they would figure it out. "Chuck, you got the markers?" Trent whispered. Chuck pulled out the various colored sharpie markers and smiled. They carefully moved Kris's bodies and began to work.

With Orange Cassidy colors things with orange and blue, Chuck using purple and red, and Trent using green and brown. Trent used green on Kris, knowing how mad she would be. The boys had to hold in their giggles as they drew things in your faces. They couldn't wait to see y'all's reaction.

They finished up the final touches and stood back, looking at their masterpiece. "Alright guys, we did enough. Let's go." The trio went out of the room and went back to theirs, going to sleep, looking forward to y'all waking up.


The moment you and Kris woke up y'all saw each other's face and almost screamed. Instantly, y'all went to the bathroom and tried washing off the marker, but it was too late. With it being on your skin for so many hours, it will take days for it to at least fade. Not to mention that it was bright colors, making it stand out more.

You and Kris stormed outside, ready to go fight the boys, but they were already out there, smirking. "Oh, what's that in y'all's faces?" Trent mocked in a girl voice. "Are you serious? We have a tag match for the titles tonight!" You complained, stomping your foot.

Orange Cassidy shrugged his shoulders. "That's what makeup is for. Just cover them up." Kris scoffed. "Why are y'all doing this to us?!" Chuck held his hands up in defense. "Hey, calm down. It's just a friendly competition."

You rolled your eyes and went back inside slamming the door.

AEW ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon