MJF-Special Gift

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Pairing: MJF x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,827

Summary: Secret Santa a leads to sweet confessions from the grumpy Maxwell.

A/N: I know it's nowhere near Christmas, but I had this idea. Hope You Enjoy!


You don't know whose idea it was to do a secret santa this year, but you were so down for it.

You were known from fans and people in real life as a friendly person. You always forgive and forget, so expressing yourself through a gift was amazing. Many superstars were gathered around in a room, chatting while waiting for instructions.

Just then Tony Khan walked in, quieting everyone. "Alright, thank you all for being here. As you know, secret santa is gonna start today." Everyone's attention turned to the jar that was being placed in the middle of a table.

"Every superstar will choose one name from the jar, and you CANNOT change it." People started murmuring against themselves. "Who will go first?" Nobody dared to step forward, waiting for someone to go. "I'll go!" Everyone watched as you reached your hand in the jar and picked a name.

You unwrapped the paper and smiled. 'Mjf.' You returned back to your spot, thinking of things you could get him. The cycle continued around the room until it was Max's turn. He plucked a name and opened it. His face changed from angry to annoyed.

The picking was over and people began to leave the room. You stayed back, deep in thought when Kris tapped your shoulder. "What's got you thinking so hard?" She teased, taking a seat next to you. "You can't tell anyone, but I got Max as my pick. Do you know what I should get him?"

Kris perked up at Max's name. "Oooo, Mr. Friedman. Man, I feel bad for you." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Okay, no need to tease me, just give me some suggestions!" Kris shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know? What else does he like other than expensive shoes, hotel rooms, and money?" You took note of her words.

That's all Max was known for. Being on top, even if that means spending a lot of money. "You're right. God knows how many suits that man has." You both shared a laugh. "Imma go ask him without asking him, y'know what I mean?" Kris looked at you in confusion, but nodded her head. "Yeah, good luck."

You said your goodbyes and headed off down the hall to Max's locker room. You knocked on his door, hearing cussing and shuffling to the door. "What the hell do you-" He stopped mid sentence when he noticed you standing there. "Hey Max, I just have some questions for you." He huffed out, still standing at his door.

"What do you want, and don't come here to annoy me." You frowned at his tone. "If there was one thing you could have right now, what would it be and why?" Max pretended to think, putting a finger on his chin. "One thing?" You nodded your head.

"Well I would want you to step away from my locker room, turn around, walk down the hall, and leave me the fuck alone." He didn't wait to see your reaction when he closed the door in your face. You stood there in disbelief.

You took his wish and walked away, thinking about another way you could ask him what he wants.


You tried again right before your match, passing by him in the hall while he was talking with a staff member.

"Excuse me, but can I talk to Max in private?" The staff member gave him away easily, leaving you two. "Ugh, not you again. What do you want this time?" You began speaking. "Is there anything you want or need right now?" He let out a sigh of annoyance at the related question from earlier.

AEW ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora