Wheeler Yuta-Frustrations

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Pairing: Wheeler Yuta x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Aftercare, Choking, Degradation, Face Fucking, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Names, Praise, Rough Sex, Spanking, Unprotected Sex. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 1,614

Summary: After Wheeler looses his match, he's angry, but you know exactly how to help him take out his frustration.

A/N: First Wheeler smut. Hope You Enjoy!


After being on edge for the past 2 weeks, Wheeler is ready to fight Daniel Garcia. He's been training all night and day, till the point where you would have to physically force him to come to bed.

He's been optimistic for this match, especially after what Daniel said about you. He called you 'a cocksleeve hoe, who gets used by all men in the roster.'

It hurt you dearly and the moment Wheeler heard that, it took the whole BCC to hold him back. Now that's it time, and he was gonna make sure Daniel pays, but unfortunately, with Daniel being a part of the JAS that men's Jericho has his way with Tony and he made the match a no DQ.

Which means anything goes, no matter who comes out, or what we pans you use. To say that you're nervous is an understatement. Even though you always worry about him, this match was special. Not only was he fighting for himself, but for you and that's all that matters to him.

You stood in the locker room, biting your nails as Daniel made his entrance alone, but everyone knows he won't be the only one to come out. Next was Wheeler, and he looked ready. Mouth in a straight line, jaw clenching, as he made a B-Line for the ring.
No smiles, no laughs, not even a glance was spared at fans because he and his eyes focused on one person as that was Daniel.

The moment the bell rang, Wheeler and Daniel locked up and it was all aggressive. That's pretty much how the match went. Aggressive punches, lock ups, submissions, and much more. Then weapons came out and you got really scared.

Chairs came out, with Wheeler brutally beating Daniel down, and reversed woh It was until, the familiar music of Jericho played and he came, but with back up. 2.0, Sammy, and Jake. Half of the whole team. Jericho had a mic in hand, smiling at the fans booing.

"Yuta, how ya doing out there? I see your putting in work. Is that for your girl, or for your career?" Wheeler tried to ignore the words from Jericho, counting to beat Daniel. Jericho cursed when Wheeler hit his finisher and went for the cover.

The JAS members rushed quickly down the ring, sliding in and performing a brutal attack on Wheeler. They grabbed weapons from under the ring and began beating him into a crisp. You sat backstage, yelling at BCC to help him. "Go out there! Help him!" The boys rushed out and put in their best fight, but they were outnumbered.

There were 5 JAS members while only 3 BCC members. They sadly failed and unfortunately, Wheeler got put in Daniels, Scorpio Deathlock submission and with JAS kicking Wheeler, he had no choice, but to tap. Fans booed as the music played and Daniel celebrated in the ring.

Wheeler wasn't moving on the ground, cursing at himself for losing. The moment he got backstage, he took a shower, not saying a word to you. You helped the other boys with the slight cuts and waited for Wheeler. "We're sorry, Y/n." Jon, apologized. "Nah, it's okay.Y'all were outnumbered and we all know Jericho will do anything to win."

They all nodded in agreement, going silent when Wheeler came out. He looked so drained and mad. You could see the cuts in his body as he moved to get his bag. "You ready to go?" He nodded and walked out to the car. "Wish me luck, boys. We'll see you next week." They all said their goodbyes and you and Wheeler headed out.

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