Hyper Minicon

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The sound of a sharp intake can be heard from Starscream, expecting Megatron to hit either you or himself, the Decepticon leader instead holds out a servo out for you to take.

"Rise my child, you have served me well"
"I have not done much my Lord" you look at Megatron in the optics before standing, not taking the offered servo.
"Soundwave has told me of your first fight against those pesky Autobots" Megatron turns and walks away, stopping just behind Screamer.
"Fight? Oh yes, that was mainly a distraction to allow an old friend onto the Nemesis"
"An old friend, I wish to see them"
"They are offline my Lord"
"What a pity, I could have used another like you" the Decepticon leader abruptly turns around, staring you down.
"Master, C/n here has helped to remove the problem of your imposter"
"Is that why my signal was ignored?" Megatron turns his attention back to you, "C/n, can you confirm that this is true"
"Yes, my Lord, I have the body in the med bay if you wish to see it" Megatron pauses to think about wanting to see the imposters' corpse or to just let you leave. Coming to a decision, he sighs before waving you off.
"I don't need to see it; both my commanders trust you then so do I"

You walk out of the room, Starscream's voice becomes lost behind the closed doors and lively chatter of the nearby cafeteria. Making your way to the medbay you stop just outside the closed doors, faint talking between the two mechs inside can be heard. The mention of Shifter reaches your audio sensors, peaking your interest in what the two are talking about. Leaning against the door, your helm tilted to hear inside the room.

"I think Shifter is more than a minicon"
"How can you be so sure Breakdown"
"How much energon do you see Lazerbeak drink, not that Soundwave drinks in view of anyone"
"Babe, Y/n would tell us if Shifter is something else"

The door gives way, opening to cause you to stumble into the medbay. The two mechs stop their talking and look towards you. Noticing Shifter resting on the table in front of you, you stand up straight and dust yourself off.

"There's something we need to talk to you about Y/n" Breakdown crosses his arms, staring you dead in the optics.
"It's about Shifter isn't it" letting out a sigh as you lean forward against the table.
"You left it in the cafeteria"
"I knew Breakdown would be in there" you pat the minicon on its helm.
"Soundwave is the only other with a minicon-" Breakdown starts, Knockout interrupting mid sentence.
"I highly doubt Lazerbeak drinks as much as Shifter" Knockout points to an image on the screen behind him, an x-ray of Shifter slowly turning anti-clockwise.
"What's with the x-ray?"
"Nothing much, except that there seems to be changes happening"
You walk up to Knockout, standing beside him as he labels everything wrong with your minicon, bringing up an image of Lazerbeak. How he was able to get one is surprising, seeing as Lazerbeak is almost always attached to Sounders. Shifter whirrs as the screen goes black, turning around to watch the little con as it jumps in place as a sphere.

"How much energon did they drink?"
"More than anycon I've seen" Breakdown grabs the minicon, having trouble gripping onto it as they continue moving.
"I think Shifter needs to work out some energy, I'll take them out for some air" you take the buzzing, whirring sphere out of Breakdown's grasp and walk out of the med bay. Shifter changes before attaching to your chest, continuing to whirr and buzz as you walk towards the bridge. Soundwave looks over to you before noticing the noise is coming from the minicon attached to your chest, he ejects Lazerbeak and opens a ground bridge for you, the minicons zooming through before either con gets a chance to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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