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1 year ago.


Louder than the alarm clock, really. That's your mother's voice.

"You're going to be late! Wake up!" She groaned from the outside. You're relieved you locked the door or her voice will be closer, louder, and a lot more annoying.

She could've just said 'wake up' instead of telling you to literally stop sleeping.

Yeah, that's her vocabulary. Saying stuff that annoys you most of the time.

You stood up and rushed to the bathroom, somehow realizing what she said. Yeah, you're going to be late for sure.

After a speedy bath, but still making sure you look presentable as ever, you finally go downstairs.

You're mother knows you so well for she did not cooked any breakfast, knowing you will skip it and rush for the bus that will bring you to your school.

"I'm leaving, mom!" You know you can't properly say goodbye since she is talking with your father through FaceTime. He is working as a businessman, often not going home, which makes the connection all virtual.

Finally, some background about your family.

It's not messy at all - your life. You have a complete family, your brother being in Japan as he plans to start his own family. You're the youngest between the two of you.

Everything is just smooth.. on the outside.

You know the nights of frustration when the bills weren't paid. Eavesdropping is not your habit at all. But you know, countless times, their relationship isn't as sturdy as it shows. Your family's financial state is included.

You hated your brother for leaving you all alone in this messy crap, just sending you money if you need it. However as you grow up, you start to align his reason and understood him.

He want to start his own life because your parents never admit being on a shaky ground, which causes more damage on the stability the family. If you're in his shoe, you will do the same.

Well.. you can't blame him too. There's quite a huge age gap between you and your brother. So, closure? There's just a little bit.

Now, he is your favourite. Even when you two rarely talk.

You were still fixing the notes in your bag when you felt an abrupt stop from the vehicle you were riding.

You're already in your school bus stop and since you were too busy trying to fix everything you left disorganized, not expecting you will snooze most of your alarms, you didn't even realized that.

Quickly, you rushed out of the bus and run as the sunlight hit your skin. The wind was chilly even though there are light everywhere. You didn't even gave a proper greeting to the guard, which pout a little.

You're really friendly to anyone, dodging any unnecesary beef. Despite that, you never made deep connections and attachments.

That leaves you with acquaintances than friends.

Still a fun life though, a balance of socializing and not.

"Fuck," You whispered as you pass on the first floor.

You did not cuss because your room is on the top floors, but because there are no students in the hallways. That means you're late and some teacher must be lecturing.

You hurriedly went to the 2nd floor, where your room is, praying all types of prayers just to make your professor late. After finding your room's designated number, you heaved a sigh of relief. The room was still somehow noisy. That implies there's no professor yet.

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