fourty three | 43

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"Mom," You panted while peeking on her room. She looked up with confused gaze and upon making eye contact with her, you forced a smile.

"What is it?"

"Help me.. pick some.. clothes." You forced a grin after trailing off.

"For what?" She chuckled and stood up from her desk. "You never ask me what to wear though."

You led the way to your room, her footsteps creating soft thuds due to the silence of your home. Once inside, your mother's eyes widened. Your clothes are scattered all around.

You were never this messy.

"What for?" She sighed, folding one of your expensive clothing that can be seen laying flat on the wooden floor. "This costs a lot. You should take care of it."

"I'm meeting YangYang's parents.." You forced another cheeky smile. She paused on her tracks and there's a small percentage of you regretting saying so. "Uhm. Tomorrow. I just want to pick something to wear already."

"Why didn't you tell me immediately?" She stood up and hurriedly scanned your wardrobe, eyes jumping from end to end. "I'm so excited for you!"

"You are?" A light chuckle broke out from you. "Honestly.. I didn't know how to tell you. I really want to, but I figured out it's quite unfair that I'm meeting them while I haven't even introduced YangYang to dad and my brother. Properly."

"No.. Don't think about that. What's important right now is the fact that you'll have to make a great impression," She excitedly looked for an outfit which made you giggle, adoring that side of her.

"No need to put much of an effort. Their family isn't too picky though.." Or so you thought.

You have an idea that they are extremely rich with unbelievable standards. They can also be cruel, for sure. The way YangYang constantly runs away from them, you can assume you're going to meet a typical, rude rich married couples. That's the reason why you're stressing out how will you impress them ever since YangYang told you he'll bring you at their mansion once again, this time to properly introduce you to them.

In fact, his mother initiated that.

You can still vividly remember what he said - this is the first time he actually granted any of his parents' wish.

Your thoughts were cut off when your phone started ringing.

"Mom, wait a minute, I got a call," You excused yourself with her just nodding.

You slid the icon on the call, answering the ringing notification. As soon as you answered, you were met with Yujin's high pitched scream. You had to pull your device away from your ears with a scowl.

"Calm down, gir! What is it?"


"Yeah, yeah, calm down," You chuckled, plopping into the couch. You just remembered you notified them in your groupchat. "Mom and I--"


"YUJIN CALM DOWN," You laughed loudly, voice echoing on the empty living room. "You're more excited than am I, aren't you?"

[Girlie think about it. YangYang literally keeps his family a secret.. Majority in our university would actually commit crime just to know which household he grew up in.]

You mentally scoffed, "Huh. I almost did that."

Yujin chuckled, calming down, finally. [Aren't you nervous and excited? I can tell you are.]

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